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A Bream With Two Hooks


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G`day Fellas ,

Slipped back up to That Spot I posted on here some time back , and as we arrived the wind began blowing its butt off.


Anyway Soon after my Ist cast , I landed a small bream that can you believe , stilll had two hooks dangling from the side of its mouth , one rusty , one reasonable shiny .

Bugga , I thought as I checked my bag for the Camera , then realised I had left it on the top of the Fridge when I got the Bait out.

Never mind I thought , no big deal , so I dehooked him and returned him to the river .

One of My Two FB`s was casting lures and against my sound advice lost a pair of new Rio Prawns and another soft Plastic one as well.

So baits and sinkers ruled from then on in , but the wind was unbearable , and Just as we agreed to pull the pin , off went my 6LB outfit .

Now as soon as I set the hook , I new it was something solid , because it peeled off 50 metres of line in a heartbeat , on 3/4 drag .

I played the bugger as best I could , and on the second run , I knew it was a Sting Ray , so I just tried to steer him away from the mangroves and get him as close as I could to Cut the line and set him free.

But can you belive this , when I finally got him close enough to cut him off , he was about 1 metre accross the flaps , I could see he had been de-tailed , almost up to his spine , and sadly the cut at the butt of his tail was as clean as a whistle.

Why anyone would want to inflict this sort of injury on a marine creature is beyond me , and I just hope he does not own a pet.


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G`day Fellas ,

Slipped back up to That Spot I posted on here some time back , and as we arrived the wind began blowing its butt off.


Anyway Soon after my Ist cast , I landed a small bream that can you believe , stilll had two hooks dangling from the side of its mouth , one rusty , one reasonable shiny .

Bugga , I thought as I checked my bag for the Camera , then realised I had left it on the top of the Fridge when I got the Bait out.

Never mind I thought , no big deal , so I dehooked him and returned him to the river .

One of My Two FB`s was casting lures and against my sound advice lost a pair of new Rio Prawns and another soft Plastic one as well.

So baits and sinkers ruled from then on in , but the wind was unbearable , and Just as we agreed to pull the pin , off went my 6LB outfit .

Now as soon as I set the hook , I new it was something solid , because it peeled off 50 metres of line in a heartbeat , on 3/4 drag .

I played the bugger as best I could , and on the second run , I knew it was a Sting Ray , so I just tried to steer him away from the mangroves and get him as close as I could to Cut the line and set him free.

But can you belive this , when I finally got him close enough to cut him off , he was about 1 metre accross the flaps , I could see he had been de-tailed , almost up to his spine , and sadly the cut at the butt of his tail was as clean as a whistle.

Why anyone would want to inflict this sort of injury on a marine creature is beyond me , and I just hope he does not own a pet.


Hi Mick

I agree and hope those people don't have a pet. I caught a 30cm tailor a couple of months ago that had a large hook (4/0 - 6/0) in its throat as well as my own no. 2 size a bit futher up. I was able to remove my hook but left the other in as it didn't seem perturbed about it and smashed my bait so was obviously feeding well.



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This could be a topic that causes a bit of a stir, but I have often wondered if those among us who insist on chasing fish with really light line might be doing the fish a bit of a disservice.

I especially wince when I read reports of bream sessions where the bream, in multiples of 10, are being hooked and busting off on 4lb line.


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G`day Fellas ,

Hey Monds , I agree with you entirely.

Its a well known fact that bream are a very hearty breed and good survivors .

There are also a Stack of other breeds that recover well , and I`m fine with chasing that specific species for some sort of a record for gamesmanship , and now because we tag and release most game species , we are beginning to find out what those are.

But not so for the Old Flattie I`m afraid , The flattie has the worst recovery rate of them all sadly.

I don`t know how many juvenile flatties I have returned to the surf , only to see them wash up further down .

SO , fishing too light ,for too big a fish has to do some damage , but I dont think it seems to worry most of the surface feeders too much.

I too caught a Big Greenie just last year , with a set of 4 ganged 6/0 hooks in its throat , as well as my 3 ganged 4/O`s as well.


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