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Beach Fish Round 2


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G'day all,

After Sat nights session the plan was made to do it again.

I had given a mate the heads up & he headed there with a friend on Monday. They scored 3 more Jew, with a couple missed, including his friends 1st. It went 4kg & she was rapped. They also got 3 whaler sharks & said the bite was constant right through the run in tide.

I headed up with him last night armed with the last of my squid. 1st cast & I got a tailor of a kilo. Next cast the same. Very happy with that, fresh bait!!

So Tailor fillets it was for me for the next 2.5 hrs. Only got 1 more bigger Tailor. Back to squid & straight onto a small Jew which went back. Same bait goes back out & doesn't last long. Thinking it was another schoolie I smacked it straight away. The fish gives a few confused head shakes & then heads east at a rate of knots. 15 metres of line lost & the hooks pull! BUGGER. A lesson reiterated. Treat every run like its a good fish. It was the biggest I've pulled into for a while. Certainly a Jew.

Very quiet after that. Nothing for me & a big Bream & small Hammerhead for my mate.

Went home feeling a little empty. :(

End result from three sessions was 8 Jew, 3 good Tailor, 1 Salmon, 1 Bream, 3 Whalers & 1 Hammerhead.

Fun fishing anyway.

The big Jew will be on the beaches in a couple of weeks & will stick around until July. Can't wait!!!



Edited by Jewhunter
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Awesome work again JH

My only contact with a beach jew came earlier this year on an Eastern Suburbs beach - whole fresh squid for bait, just after the turn of the tide at about 1am, and whammo. Must have peeled 50 metres of 30lb fireline off a medium drag setting in about 10 seconds as it ran due East, before it just let go. Thought it might have been a shark until I wound back in to find the bait looking like it had never even been touched. Not even a scratch.

But boy do I remember the sound of the reel and the feel of the 12 ft 8 wrap fibreglass rod as it bent nearly at a right angle. It took about 20 minutes for the blood to stop rushing around in my head, and the weird thing is that I wasn't even disappointed at the time - just stoked! Geez I wish I'd seen it now though!!.

I've had a bit of a jew fishing hiatus lately due to moving house and other weekend commitments, but you've inspired me to get back out on the beach this weekend. I'd better start planning a squid session to get ready!!


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Mate if I told you I would get shot.

It's not in Sydney.

Any of the Sydney beaches produce Jewies. It takes a hell of alot of time, persistance & patience to get them regulary.

Remember to use very fresh or live bait & simply put the hours in.

Good luck.

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