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Tamar 6/5/06

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Hi all,

I've been intending for a while to get down to the local power station outlet and today was the day. Unfortunately I arrived right at low tide, not the best time for this spot and on top of that the power station isn't running so there was no warm water released from the outlet. Nevertheless I thought I'd give it a go. However after losing about 10 sp tails in the first 10min to toadfish, things weren't looking good. I had a bit of a flick with some HBs and then with a little spoon and finally got my first fish though only a little flattie of about 25cm, this was followed by a succession of very small salmon, the last of which was smaller than my finger. Time for a move.

At this point I had a call from work asking me to come in early so with just an hour up my sleeve and with the gforecast gale failing to eventuate I elected to head to the ocean rocks in the hope of some big salmon or at least a few wrasse. I had a bit of a flick with a bass minnow for a while, missing a few hits from wrasse which didn't hook up before landing a mini model of about 20-25cm. I then decided to have a flick with the ultralight trout rod that I had with me rigged with a little spoon and after a couple of misses I scored a solid hit from what turned out to be a colourful little just legal wrasse of 30cm who gave a good account of himself on the light gear amongst the rocks and weed. Sadly that was it for the day as I was out of time. Not a very successful day, but the fishing bit was heaps more fun than the work that followed.




Edited by wrasseman
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Guest Saqa

Hi mate

You still had a better day then me. You were able to go fishing. That fish looks like a cross between a black bass, a spangled emperor and a cod. Have you ever caught the king of all wrasse, the humphead maori. These things grow massive and is the best tasting fish I have ever had

I took a photo of a free swimmer which looked 80lb and i have caught them upto 10kg



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Hi mate

You still had a better day then me. You were able to go fishing. That fish looks like a cross between a black bass, a spangled emperor and a cod. Have you ever caught the king of all wrasse, the humphead maori. These things grow massive and is the best tasting fish I have ever had

I took a photo of a free swimmer which looked 80lb and i have caught them upto 10kg



Hi Saqa

Yeah you know what they say, a bad day fishing beats a good day working.

I've never caught a humphead, though I've seen a big one diving in Fiji, would be awesome to catch.

I think that fish is a female blue-throat but there are a few species that look quite similar at small size, its not until they get bigger that ID becomes real easy. Blue-throats and the "purple" wrasse are the most common larger wrasse down here and both are an easy option for a bit of light luring fun though to many people they are "rubbish". I like them, they take lures, pull hard and in the right cond. can be sight cast to and they grow to at least 49cm and 4kg. They are also apparently good to eat if cooked right (i don't eat fish so release mine), at least they must be alright as there is a commercial fishery for them and they sell upwards of $20/kg but I think the secret is in the cooking.

PS. 10kg humphead would have gone off.



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Guest Saqa

PS. 10kg humphead would have gone off.



Not wrong mate. That fish nearly pulled my arms out of the sockets. You cant let them take any lline or they will reef you. Only option is to use 80lb jigging gear and hold on. All my maoris were from fiji as well. Most of the bigger species like maoris, blue gropers and double headers cook up excellent most ways. I havent tried cooking any of the by catch from around Sydney but you should see the prices they fetch in the asian resturants.

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