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Guest madsmc

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Guest madsmc

Headed off early this morning for an SP session at Stockton. Started off on the small breakwall with a white 2 inch Gulp grub, which didn't get a single touch over the next half hour or so. Plenty of small baitfish schooling along the rock wall, but no predators.

Moved around to the foreshore area and switched plastics to a red 3 inch Gulp grub for the flathead. After working a decent section of the foreshore and coming up with nothing, I was at a loss, and even contemplated calling it a day, but ended up moving to the western side of the ferry terminal for another shot.

I also changed the retrieve to a slow and steady single lift, with plenty of pauses, rather than the single or double rip that I normally use for flathead. Over the next couple of hours I worked the whole western foreshore up to small bay, landing a total of 19 flathead and 2 choppers. I guess the flatties are starting to get a bit sluggish in the cooler water because the slower retrieve definately worked today. The only problem with the flatties was their small size. Of the nineteen, only one was a decent size fish.

Second biggest flathead for the morning which still put up a decent scrap despite it's lack of size.

Biggest flathead of the morning at 49cm.

Unfortunately I couldn't manage to find the bigger fish today, but what they lacked in size they certainly made up in numbers, and it was a refreshing change after a few slow weeks. Hopefully the trend will continue for a while longer, and the bream might make an appearance at the wall.



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Guest madsmc

That sounds like a great morning Shane. I'd like to give that a go sometime :thumbup:

Anytime clutch. Just let me know when you'll be here. :biggrin2:



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Guest madsmc

How far from Sydney to Newcastle........ :banana:

About 2 hours by car, or 1 whole day via our first class rail system.



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