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North Entrance Beach

ilk fish

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Arrived there at midday at low tide, and noticed a narrow gutter going

all the way towards the surf club, emptying out to a significant rip.

There were scattered schools of mullet.

A few people were going for whiting with blood worm, but no one caught any.

The beach waves were relatively soft rolling and I was told that it may not

be enough surge to bring on the tailor.

It proved right, as there were about eight anglers in my vincinity and

I only saw one tailor (just over legal size) being caught right on dusk.

I fluked an average sized flathead on pilchard.

A few older locals there told me that the North Entrance beach is

predominately a flathead and whiting beach.

So if I ever go back there again, I think that I would probably spend

most of the time walking up and down the beach flicking flathead lures,

possibly some soft plastics.

The reason I mentioned the 12 inch wonder wobbler description, is

because I reckon that it would really immitate those mullet which are

abundant there. Hence I am going to try to make one that large out of

stainless steel sheet (probably from those old kitchen sinks people chuck out)

and give it a go, it might really work on those flathead.

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