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Putney Wednesday 9th - Arvo

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Hi Raiders -

Had a quick flick 4.30 till 5.00pm this arve at Putney. Caught two little flatties (around 35cm). Was on the 5th of my "last cast before I go home, when I got picked up by nice whiting. Took a bit of drag off the reel and was interesting working out what was going so hard in the nearly dark conditions.

Pulled him in and laid out the tape, turned on the digi cam on. S--t the battery is a bit flat and the bloody lense dissapeared back inside the camera faster than I coluld exhail my last expletive. Managed to squeeze off one photo camera setting unknown ? before she expired completely. I seem to have aquired ongoing camera woes (no planning and carried away with the excitement of the moment).

Anyway measured at 37cm then realised when I got home the tape was a bit bent and the first 2cms on the tape have no marks on them so probably closer to 39 - 40. A PB Whiting for me :thumbup:

All fish caught on Gulp 3"Minnow grub in Watermelon.

Have included the dodgy photo for wht its worth

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