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Botany Bay 16/5/06

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post-54-1147862951_thumb.jpgyesterday after saying g'day to mr&mrs swordfisherman I headed to my secret spot the third runway,western cardinal marker I wanted to have a crack at the kingys that were smashing me a couple of days before on my bream gear I had my nitro mag butt this time and some bigger sp's I threw sluggos for the first hr but no kingys I thought they had moved on so got my bream gear out and a bassminnow I thought at least I will get a few trevally fist cast Iám onto a kingy this time it headed for the middle of the bay not the bouys like the day before and about 10mins later I landed my first kingy on sp's total for the day landed 6 kingys and a heap of trevs and bream only lost one king that tried real hard to lift penguins anchor I kept 2 kingys and a few trevs for a feed what a ripper day and all caught on 2/4kg nitro and4lb fireline and 6lb leader
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post-54-1147862951_thumb.jpgyesterday after saying g'day to mr&mrs swordfisherman I headed to my secret spot the third runway,western cardinal marker I wanted to have a crack at the kingys that were smashing me a couple of days before on my bream gear I had my nitro mag butt this time and some bigger sp's I threw sluggos for the first hr but no kingys I thought they had moved on so got my bream gear out and a bassminnow I thought at least I will get a few trevally fist cast Iám onto a kingy this time it headed for the middle of the bay not the bouys like the day before and about 10mins later I landed my first kingy on sp's total for the day landed 6 kingys and a heap of trevs and bream only lost one king that tried real hard to lift penguins anchor I kept 2 kingys and a few trevs for a feed what a ripper day and all caught on 2/4kg nitro and4lb fireline and 6lb leader

Wow! :1yikes: Great catch, george.s!


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Guest fishrunner

:thumbup: well done there George.s, always nice to get a few kingies , specially on the bream gear, luckily they behaved for you :biggrin2:


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Well done George s,

Watched u catch some of those fish and you looked

like u were havin a great time.Top effort :thumbup:

:beersmile: penguin.

thanks mate Iwas having a ball.kingy's are great fun on light gear when Ithink about it they are fun on any gear.

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