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I Got A Reply From The Premier

Guest Aron

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Guest Aron

Hi all,

Like at lot of guys here i sent an email to the premier about 2 weeks ago and i got a reply today ( :1yikes: wasn't i suprised)

Anyway i have cut and pasted it in below:

The Premier has received your recent email concerning policies relating

to marine parks.

As the matter you have raised primarily concerns the administrations of

the Attorney General, Minister for the Environment, and Minister for the

Arts, the Hon RJ Debus MP and the Minister for Natural Resources,

Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Mineral Resources, the

Hon IM Macdonald MLC, the Premier has arranged to bring your approach to

the Ministers' attention.

You may be sure that your comments will receive close consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Jocelyn Mouawad

Assistant Private Secretary

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This Is The Original letter sent to all ministers.

Only Joe Tripodi`s Secretary has replied .

Dear Minister ,

As a lifelong LABOR Voter , I am writing to you to express my deepest regret , that for the Ist time in my 66 years of age , I can no longer support Labor , and will at the next election , Vote for the liberal party.

Having recently retired to the mid north coast of NSW to pursue my other lifelong passion of fishing, I now find that your proposed Marine Parks will seriously reduce my ability to to do so.

These Marine Parks are somewhat of a joke , and its obvious to all that , little or no input whatsoever was sought by Government from everyday NSW Recreational fishermen .

These parks have the potential to turn coastal hamlets into Ghost Towns should they go ahead , and I strongly urge you to reconsider.

In NSW alone , there are approximately One Million Rec Fishermen , who regularly take their families fishing on weekends , and probably that many again as retirees like myself , who have worked all their life , just to realise their dream of a fishing retirement .

Do you you seriously want to commit political suicide by alienating the entire fishing population of NSW by appeasing the Greens .

By allowing these Marine Parks to go ahead , you will be doing Just That , and that means at Least the next 8 years in opposition , so I urge you to think about it very carefully , before it`s too late.

Voting Liberal will be a very bitter pill for me to swallow , but your reckless action of bowing to the greens with these Marine Parks leaves me no choice .

Unless these Marine Parks are withdrawn , I will vote Liberal , along with the other one Million like minded Rec fishos at the upcomming election.

Please Minister , Listen to what your researchers must be telling you by now , and abandon this reckless ideological project of the Greens , its total madness , and will cost many , many Thousands of Jobs as a result of it.

I supplied My Name and address .

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Thats a great letter. Just one point, does anyone know the Coalitions policy on Marine parks? As far as I know all they have promised to do is review them. With all the potential votes from disaffected fishermen, some of them rusted on Labor supporters, I can't figure out why they just don't promise to repeal them.

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G`day Fellas ,

Billy , The Coalitions policy on Marine Parks as I see it is irrelevant ! , and for the simple reason , that once the Parks are in , they will be in forever , the Coalition will change nothing .

So the fact that Labor put them in , means they should pay the price for doing so.

These pollies of today are no longer true pollies or statesmen , they are slaves to Pollsters and lunatic fringe groups like the greens for Labor , and dare I say "Family Ist" and The Democraps for the Libs .

The Demos were supposed to Keep the Barstards Honest , I want to make the Barstards Pay.

Can anyone on this site recall one single instance , whereby an incomming Government reversed a "major" former Partys policy , because I can`t , well , not off the top of my head anyway .

So as They say in the good book "An Eye for an Aye " .

The way thing will finish up is , you will see the anual school hols have thousand people turning up at the only non restricted fishing area left on the coast , and Riots will break out as 3 Thousand fishos jostle to try to Fish a single Rock .


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I am no expert when it comes to politics but I do know how to create a good arguement.

OWZAT you have made a valid concerns and your letter reveals tones of passion. However what lacks is that it does not have any scientific facts to justify your clause. You need to provide facts that they cannot ignore, facts that they must investigate and facts that would make them reconsider.

You letter only states your beliefs (which I agree with) and threats (mildy put) to alienate the labour party.

If you want these an attention from dogs you give them treats, you gotta do the same for the politicians, give them positive reasons for why they shouldn't do what they are doing instead of negative comments.

PS Sorry if i sound crap, I just got up and realised today I want to butt in in a topic I have no idea of (just felt like writing crap! LOL)

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For scientific facts all the government has to do is listen to its own fisheries department. Also the onus is on the government to provide scientific justification for these sanctuary zones and so far they haven't. From snippets I have heard a lot of country Labor and members of the Right faction including ministers are against the locking out of anglers. They know it is political suicide and it have admitted that it is the result of the Left being in bed with the greens. They have actually encouraged us to keep the pressure up.

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G`day Fellas ,

Geeup , at a Sausage sizzle some time ago , I had a long chat to A National Party Insider.

It was a very interesting arvo , because sooner or later the discussion came around to The Subject of Protesting to Pollies.

As we can all understand , with the advent of the PC , Pollies can now receive as many as 100/500 emails daily depending on their status in the Party , unlike a few dozen or so handwritten ones prior to PC`s .

Now the thing that grabbed me was , this fella boasted that most secretarys instructions were to scan all emails as quickly as possible and to delete all Chain Letters (Spamingers) which I took to be a marriage of ( Spam and Whingers ) then refer any relevant matters concerning his Portfolio to him for inspection.

One would have thought that they would have a special program for doing this sort of thing ( Automated response ) , but maybe not.

Now if this is True , then it probably explains as to how , we all recieve the same Cloned reply to our protests .

The reply I`m told , is required by law , but not how or what they say in it , so that is why I made the effort to write to some of tehm by hand.

As far as quoting Scientific facts to a pollie , save your Breath , because thats why they invented the Phrase ( " The Fact Of the Matter Is") which is followed by gobbleygook and irrevelant Bullshit .

Gianniz ,All we can do Is to keep at them , and hope they come to their senses , but I will not hold my breath .


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Maybe it looks like they have to go. Not only does Labor rely on green preferences to get elected but also greens voting with them in the Upper House to get their legislation passed. Word is that the greens demanded 6 marine parks before the next election in exchange for their support. They were 2 short hence the rushing through of the Byron Bay and Port Stevens parks with indecent haste.

I don't think for one minute that the greens will be satisfied with this. So in the run up to the following election we can expect more marine parks and increased lock out zones. These lockout zones in the parks already declared are open for review after 5 years. Notice how this time frame coincides with the electoral cycle.

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I have been to public meetings and been in touch personally with the DeputyOposition Leader, Duncan Gay, here on the Central Coast and I have received assurance both verbally and in writing that the liberal / coalition is diametrically oposed to the marine parks and when in office will do all it can to minimise their effects on the fishing community. Unfortunatly they will not have contol of the Upper House and so will not have the necessary power to overturn the existance of the parks. They see them clearly for what they are and will instead focus on other issues more relevant to the quality of of the environment and overharvesting.

If anybody wants to contact him yourself, here are his details. I can assure you he will reply, sometimes by phone!

Hon Duncan Gay MLC

Deputy Opposition Leader &

Leader of the Nationals in the

Legislative Council of New South Wales

Shadow Minister for Primary Industries

Shadow Minister for Mineral Resources

Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs

Parliament House NSW, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

P: 02 9230 2329

F: 02 9230 2923

E: duncan.gay@parliament.nsw.gov.au


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