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Rod Tapers


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Hi all

I was wondering what the advantages of the different rod tapers are? I understand what they mean, and appreciate the difference between say a medium and XF taper, but what is the ADVANTAGE of XF over say a F rating? (and vice versa?) What applications would each be better for etc. Any info would be appreciated


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If 2 blanks, both 7' long had the same size tip, lets say 1.8mm and same wall thickness

Blank 1 has butt OD of 10mm

Blank 2 has butt OD of 15mm

In this case we can say blank 2 has a faster taper then blank one

have look at this pic. Faster taper creates faster action


This will give blank 2 more power in the butt area as it is thicker encouraging heavier line class but care needs to be taken as the load hot spot moves further up the blank giving you a longer lever to break it there

Another way to take advantage is to keep the butt the same but the tip on the faster tapered rod will end up thinner. This will allow the same line class to be used but will let you flick lighter lures. same care needs to taken as the load hot spot will be further towards the tip again

Another way to take advantage is to decrease the amount of material in the walls to make a blank which is lighter in weight but can fish the same line class

On powerfull game blanks this can be used take the tip area out of the pic (folded away quicker) under load so the fish has a shorter lever to use against you

I hope this helps

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