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Help Needed With Lures


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hey fellow :1fishing1:

ive always been a bait fisherman but i really wanna learn the art of lure fishing.. can some 1 please tell me the right way and right lure for fishing i dont really understand the whole consept to lure fishing. i never know what lure to use and what size and ive tried a few times but never caught anything

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hey fellow :1fishing1:

ive always been a bait fisherman but i really wanna learn the art of lure fishing.. can some 1 please tell me the right way and right lure for fishing i dont really understand the whole consept to lure fishing. i never know what lure to use and what size and ive tried a few times but never caught anything

Hi Hustler57,

That's a big question you have there. As you know with bait fishing the tackle you use is based on what type of fish you are going after and in what conditions you are going to fish. The same applies with lure fishing, what type of lure and size of lure to use depends on what you want to catch and where.

When you use bait for fishing, the presentation of the bait is important as it needs to represent something the fish you are targeting wants to eat and has ate in the past. The same goes for lure fishing, you need to pick a lure that represents something that the fish you are targeting eats normally.

Lure fishing takes practise, knowing what lure to use in what conditions is all about trial and error. Even once you have mastered what lure to use, you then have to 'work' the lure so that it looks as realistic as possible.

I love lure fishing, I get alot of satisfaction out of catching a fish on a lure that is really only a piece of metal or wood.

If you suggest what you would like to target first and where you will be fishing, myself or other members might be able to suggest some lures that we have success with in those areas on that type of fish.

I hope this helps a bit ...


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Steve has mosts things covered.

A good first lure to start with would be a small (10-20g) metal slice, like a Halco twisty or a Spanyid raider. Go fishing at dawn and just cast and retrieve as fast as you can. places like cowan and the harbour, you will be in for a pretty good chance at a tailor or even salmon. It doesn't take a lot of practice or skill, and it's a great way of giving you the confidence to try lures.

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wow ok thanks guys.

i do most of my fishing in the georges river and botany bay. so i guess i mostly target bream and whitting . with the odd trevally mixed in. so what size and what type of lure would i use for whitting and for bream ??? i guess since they are the 2 most common fish caught im best of starting on them .. ????

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Sx 40's and 48's are a small baitfish imatation made by a company called Ecogear. 40's are 40mm long and 48's, 48mm

There reasonably expensive @ $17-$19 each although they do catch your target species.

Other lures to try are Rebel teeny wee crawdads, Halco Scorpions and another lure i have had alot of luck with in that system(and im sure Swordie will agree with me) is the Smilin' Jack Raw Prawn in hot pink, you can get these for about $6 from many tackle stores.

Work fish holding structure like snags, rocky shorelines and sand flats, but remember these lure dive to about 3-6ft so work areas at around this depth for best results

Just remember to retrieve them slooowly, just enough to get a reliable wobble, once you get the hang of that try to add some brief pauses.

Hope this helps


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