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Sabiki Rigs


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I use smaller sabiki rigs for bait collecting - they work well on most species ie. yellowtail, herring etc.


Cheers mate, yeh those smaller models work wonders on the livies. I saw the bigger suckers in the shop the other day, they're supposed to work well on all the reefies- snapper, mowies, Pearl Perch etc

Steve :biggrin2:

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Guest Big-Banana

Ive caught all my snapper and mowies on the bigger ones, black magic they are. Spiked with a bit of bait and jigged either with the swell giving action or the operator.

Easiest way to get live bait is with the jig I find.

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  • 11 months later...

Recently ive been catching frogmouth pilchards, baby pilchards and small slimies on the smaller versions.

They work dreams sometimes!

I have used them unweighted with sucess - esp on garfish!, but tangles become a major issue with no weight. I prefer to use a jig head on the bottom insted of a conventional sinker.

Edited by KingsRule
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^jst like Rob's sayin, they work a treat for livies. If theres yellowtail anywhere, or slimies, Sabiki Rigs work very well. Over the weekend we were pullin in frogmouths by the three's and fours :D.

I've found that the smaller the hooks size on the sabiki, the more luck ull have pullin out froggies.

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  • 1 month later...

I make my own up by using long shank hooks on 2 or 3 dropper loops and a split shot at the bottom and fished off my rod (can't be bothered using hand reel).

Works well enough and does not tangle up because i can add and remove the hooks as I please unlike the jigs where the hooks are (I think) snelled on into a one piece item.

Only thing mine lacks is the lumo bead (you could use a knot protector bead) and fury bits that act as a fly to attract the liveys.

Edited by stylo
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  • 3 weeks later...

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