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Jigging Overhead


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Hi All

As Harkara has mentioned I have had the pleasure of watching the lovely black and gold of my custom offit for jigging slowly sink out of reach LOL

Poor Haraka, I think his is still in a corner banging his head on a wall LOL

Anyway I had a Okuma TG15S, 6.2 retrieve, 1km, 50 pound fins, on a custom KR jigger, Rohit had posted pictures of his creation for me ;)

So to the question. I have approveal from the big Boss to replace the gear and my wonderful insurance company is going to help me. Yes HELP me can u believe it.

So reel suggestions for a jigging overhead, will prob live bait with it too, esp for kings Dollys on the bigger size.

So what else is out there that people have used and like. Reel price in the $500ish mark.


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Poor Haraka, I think his is still in a corner banging his head on a wall LOL

G'day Jon

I think our dear friend is still haunted by the splash. Mate take a look at the Torsa range if you can stretch your budget, next one to look at will the Trinidad 40N

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there is a number of options....

for $500 you can get a Shimano Trinidad 16, 6.2:1 retrieve, also available in a 'narrow jig' version.

for $800 you can get a Shimano Torsa, same retrieve, mental lever drag system, interchangable drag cams, top of the line gear.

these are the only two i would consider, there are a number of options from diawa in the saltiga range but i am not as familiar with those as shimano.

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Have you considered Avet? A good choice would be the JX model, narrow spool, somes in a 6.1 or 4.6 ratio, or a two speed.

MUCH cheaper than daiwa or shimano, maintenance free, lever drag with cast control and fantastic free spool. From memory, pulls about 20lb drag.

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For the budget the Avet is miles in front, not as smooth as either the Torso or Trinidad but more than close enough!! I have used all 3 and would probably buy the Avet.

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Hi Bashir

Have u had the accurate serviced, I looked at these and they r very nice, what was the ball park $$ and were did u get it from?

I had heard they r xxxx to service?

But surpurb feel


I have an accurate boss 270 and its a little weapon, bit more than 500 but. Daiwa saltigas are probably used by more pro jiggers than the other reel's mentioned.

I am looking for the lever drag, is a preference, the Torsa is very nice but not sure I am going to b able to streach that far.

The Avet is nice, much lighter and not the tight feel the Shimano and Accurte have. Jewel or Irrr do either of u have the Avet reeel? and were did u get them from and approx $$$??


Thanks Sammy the Torsa is an awesome bit of gear but right up there, the prices I saw today were over the 1k mark. Were did u see them for $800ish


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paid $300 for it second hand off ebay but you wouldn't know it was second hand! also got a custom made power handle with it. I can't imagine it ever needing servicing, they are the most precisely built things on the market, an engineering work of art. I think the retail on them at the moment, depending on the size is around 600-700. I like mine as its the size of a barra style baitcaster but its built for 50lb plus braided line! I have it matched to a daiwa catalina stick, all together an awesome lightweight outfit.

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Sorry mate dont have an Avet on hand, but Ottos usually has them if you want to have a play with one.

I dont know about any of our sponsors ...... GUYS?

The Torsa can be found for approx $790 to $850 (depending on size) both interstate and locally.

The Avet LX 6.0:1 will set you back about $430

DAMN nice reel Bashir!!!!

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I don't have the exact same model (JX), I have the small model, the SX. I got mine from the states, but if you can get the JX for around $400 in oz, get it here.

the avets make a light "clicking" sound on the retrieve but I don't really mind that. Great drags and very tough. the big plus with the Avets is the castability in a lever drag reel. if you wanted to troll, spin, livebait and jig, it would be the best choice at the best price. the Accurates are one step up in refinement, but also price! Depends on how much you want to spend I guess.

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