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Narra Lake. Another Great Session


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Well,well...Am I a happy camper or what?

Chatting to a few of the guys on the new chat function on the site and we

got to talking about the weather (what else).

I got to thinking, it's a similar overcast day as last monday, but without the rain.

I had the urge to revisit my secret location where I got my PB Flattie on Monday.

So off I went and it looked very similar on the water, as then.

Four casts to see what was about and BANG!! It sure had some weight behind it and behaved

a little differently to Mondays fish.

This time it did the usual big runs, peeling line off my Stradic as before but then it buried itself

in either a weedbed or mud and I couldn't budge it.

I kept the tension on it, not wanting to bust off as I was using 8lb mono with a 12lb trace.

Finally after a wait of about 3 minutes, it swims off, luckily towards me.

One final powerful run in the shallows and a great big splash with it's tail and there she was, up

on the narrow sandy beach.

I thought by this time, the leader must be just about cactus and how right I was.

I put my rod down and jumped down the bank just as she bit through the trace, right at the hook.

I gently turned her over and got my fingers in her gills and gently lifted up the bank. She didn't squirm

or kick thankfully.

Up onto the grass and out with my camera for a quick couple of pictures and a measure.

She went a massive (for me) 75 cm. Another PB for me :thumbup::thumbup:

Monday's effort was 65cm.

To say I was over the moon is an understatement. I lifted her the same way and placed her in the shallows and gave her a few gentle coaxes through the water and off she swam nice and slowly into the deeper water.

To get two PB's in the one week really made my day (and week).

I just wonder how much bigger the lizards can get in the lake at present.

After that, everything else was a bonus and I finished the session with 8 bream, one tailor and the "grand old duchess of the lake" All fish released.

By the way, she was caught on, of all things....one lousy whitebait!!

Rest assured, I will be back there again for a while, trying to better what I think will be a tough ask.

One stoked fisho here:


Edited by MallacootaPete
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Your on fire champ, what next a 90cm. Don't need any company down at the spot do you? :074:

Don't know if my heart could take a 90cm model...I'll have to blindfold you to take you to my secret spot though.



Edited by MallacootaPete
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Great effort Pete,

She's a ripper & so glad to hear she went back to fight another day

Well done :thumbup:



Thanks Dave..Funny you should say that about releasing her.

A woman and her little son came past as I was releasing her and she

was aghast as to why I would release such a nice fish.

She wanted to take it home to her hubby to prove that the lake has fish in it. :074:

I think I'll get a Tshirt made up with the reasons to release big flatties printed on the back..just to

save me having to repeat it often.


Edited by MallacootaPete
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Well,well...Am I a happy camper or what?

Chatting to a few of the guys on the new chat function on the site and we

got to talking about the weather (what else).

I got to thinking, it's a similar overcast day as last monday, but without the rain.

I had the urge to revisit my secret location where I got my PB Flattie on Monday.

So off I went and it looked very similar on the water, as then.

Four casts to see what was about and BANG!! It sure had some weight behind it and behaved

a little differently to Mondays fish.

This time it did the usual big runs, peeling line off my Stradic as before but then it buried itself

in either a weedbed or mud and I couldn't budge it.

I kept the tension on it, not wanting to bust off as I was using 8lb mono with a 12lb trace.

Finally after a wait of about 3 minutes, it swims off, luckily towards me.

One final powerful run in the shallows and a great big splash with it's tail and there she was, up

on the narrow sandy beach.

I thought by this time, the leader must be just about cactus and how right I was.

I put my rod down and jumped down the bank just as she bit through the trace, right at the hook.

I gently turned her over and got my fingers in her gills and gently lifted up the bank. She didn't squirm

or kick thankfully.

Up onto the grass and out with my camera for a quick couple of pictures and a measure.

She went a massive (for me) 75 cm. Another PB for me :thumbup::thumbup:

Monday's effort was 65cm.

To say I was over the moon is an understatement. I lifted her the same way and placed her in the shallows and gave her a few gentle coaxes through the water and off she swam nice and slowly into the deeper water.

To get two PB's in the one week really made my day (and week).

I just wonder how much bigger the lizards can get in the lake at present.

After that, everything else was a bonus and I finished the session with 8 bream, one tailor and the "grand old duchess of the lake" All fish released.

By the way, she was caught on, of all things....one lousy whitebait!!

Rest assured, I will be back there again for a while, trying to better what I think will be a tough ask.

One stoked fisho here:


Awesome fish! Great Patience with the fish going nowhere. I know alot of guys who would have panicked or given up and yanked the line clear when she fouled up in the weed.


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Well,well...Am I a happy camper or what?

Chatting to a few of the guys on the new chat function on the site and we

got to talking about the weather (what else).

I got to thinking, it's a similar overcast day as last monday, but without the rain.

I had the urge to revisit my secret location where I got my PB Flattie on Monday.

So off I went and it looked very similar on the water, as then.

Four casts to see what was about and BANG!! It sure had some weight behind it and behaved

a little differently to Mondays fish.

This time it did the usual big runs, peeling line off my Stradic as before but then it buried itself

in either a weedbed or mud and I couldn't budge it.

I kept the tension on it, not wanting to bust off as I was using 8lb mono with a 12lb trace.

Finally after a wait of about 3 minutes, it swims off, luckily towards me.

One final powerful run in the shallows and a great big splash with it's tail and there she was, up

on the narrow sandy beach.

I thought by this time, the leader must be just about cactus and how right I was.

I put my rod down and jumped down the bank just as she bit through the trace, right at the hook.

I gently turned her over and got my fingers in her gills and gently lifted up the bank. She didn't squirm

or kick thankfully.

Up onto the grass and out with my camera for a quick couple of pictures and a measure.

She went a massive (for me) 75 cm. Another PB for me :thumbup::thumbup:

Monday's effort was 65cm.

To say I was over the moon is an understatement. I lifted her the same way and placed her in the shallows and gave her a few gentle coaxes through the water and off she swam nice and slowly into the deeper water.

To get two PB's in the one week really made my day (and week).

I just wonder how much bigger the lizards can get in the lake at present.

After that, everything else was a bonus and I finished the session with 8 bream, one tailor and the "grand old duchess of the lake" All fish released.

By the way, she was caught on, of all things....one lousy whitebait!!

Rest assured, I will be back there again for a while, trying to better what I think will be a tough ask.

One stoked fisho here:


Nice lizard there pete.

If it isn't already your secret spot, try half way down wakehurst pkwy near the big rock with the commemorative plaque. Lizards like the one you have there are commonplace in January and Febuary.

I grew up on Narrabeen lake and fished hard bodied lures before they were ever popular and when the only such thing as a soft plastic was a Mr Twister. You won't be disappointed.


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Nice lizard there pete.

If it isn't already your secret spot, try half way down wakehurst pkwy near the big rock with the commemorative plaque. Lizards like the one you have there are commonplace in January and Febuary.

I grew up on Narrabeen lake and fished hard bodied lures before they were ever popular and when the only such thing as a soft plastic was a Mr Twister. You won't be disappointed.


Thanks Davo. Yes, I know thaat spot well. I fished there last week, but with the lake water level so low at the moment, the weed beds there make it almost impossible to fish without wading out.

It should really produce once again as soon as they open the lake up after the sand dredging is completed.

The lake level should resume to it's normal levels then.



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Now that's a solid flattie! Well done. You'll have to replace the Nov pics with the latest pb. Great stuff.

Thanks Flea...I deleted the earlier entry and have entered the new, improved 75cm model.

Not fair having two flatties from me in the same comp. I reckon.



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Another nice lizard, nice report and well done on the PB !!!

PS - do you eat any of the fish or lizards you catch at the lakes?

I know you are releasing the big girls cause they are breeders, but do you keep any smaller males for eating?

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Thanks Davo. Yes, I know thaat spot well. I fished there last week, but with the lake water level so low at the moment, the weed beds there make it almost impossible to fish without wading out.

It should really produce once again as soon as they open the lake up after the sand dredging is completed.

The lake level should resume to it's normal levels then.



Thats the point pete.

Wade out and cast back towards the weed beds. it is shallow for miles. the Lizards are there waiting along the weed beds.


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Another nice lizard, nice report and well done on the PB !!!

PS - do you eat any of the fish or lizards you catch at the lakes?

I know you are releasing the big girls cause they are breeders, but do you keep any smaller males for eating?

I'm not a big fish eater, except for my favourite flounder when I can get 'em.

I release just about everything else, but occasionally, my rellos will ask for

a feed and I will certainly oblige 'em.

Just love the thrill of catching anything really...the release part also gives

me a good feeling inside as I know someone else will get the chance to hook up

the same fish at a later date.

I'm no greenie or anything...just like to see nature looked after for future generations to enjoy.


Thats the point pete.

Wade out and cast back towards the weed beds. it is shallow for miles. the Lizards are there waiting along the weed beds.


Thanks Davo, I will give that a shot. I better go buy some waders first.

That spot always did look the goods with those weed beds out to about 10 metres wide.

Nice sandy bottom after that too.

Thanks again for the tip.



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