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Trolling The Harbour All Day


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Well we needed to run in our new 40hp before next week, so that we could get it serviced before we go to Fingal Bay for 2 weeks later this month. What better way to knock off 7 hours, than to go for a day of trolling? We trolled our way from Roseville Boat Ramp - through Middle Harbour - accross past Sow and Pigs - around South Head - across to North Head - around past Quarantine - past Little Manly Cove - around to Fairlight - through North Harbour - around Dobroyd (narrowly missing the breaking swell) - past the fishing huts and around the head back into Middle Harbour - Past the Spit - around past Cremorne - down to the boat ramp at North Bridge (which I never even knew existed) - and back around the damn thing again - 4 times :1badmood: as well as a few arbitary circles and stops here and there.

We got rained on, sprayed on, bounced around like a cork in the swell in the front part of the harbour, hungry, wet and cold. We saw a school of bait fish near to Old Mans Hat at North Head, which was as close as we got to any fish. We trolled around them, but the bouncy swell beat us and we scarpered for the shelter of Quarantine.

We tried surface poppers, metal slices, Small bibbed divers and larger ones too.

We caught zip. We did almost manage to catch a tender at one of the Marina's. We landed a few lengths of seaweed. We even managed to catch each others lures once. But no fish.

At the end of the day, we were about 35L of fuel lighter than when we left. Our new motor has 7 more hours on the clock. We did give it a blast every now and then, just to vary the speed. We also gave it a bit of a hoon before we headed back to the ramp. 2 more hours and we can get it serviced.

I can't wait. We have 10 days at Fingal Bay from the 29/12. Now we will be able to get the motor serviced before we go, and then we can really go fishing. I just don't enjoy trolling. I need to learn the art from an experienced hand, because we have no idea.

Are we too slow or too fast. Is there too much or too little line out. Should we use the white one or the blue one? Deep diving or surface......

Give me my 3.0 and a whole squid, a small sinker and I'm away. :1fishing1:

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