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Very Lucky Escape-but My Poor Wife


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hey there fellow fishos,

last monday my wife and decided to take out my cruiser craft hustler 570 bowrider for a cruise around botany bay, so we put the boat in a lugarno and noticed on the way out into the bay it was a bit windy. we anchored up about 30-40 metres from brighton to do a little bit of swimming, but on our way back from brighton as we came around sans souci just opposite towra point i noticed that the swell was a little bigger but didnt think anything off it as ive been in bigger swell before. i was only doing about 12-14 knots and my wife was up the front as its a bowrider and i went over the 1st set no problem then as i dipped into the 2nd set as i came up the back of it pretty much the hole nose of my boat prob about half a metre a least dipped into the wave quick thinking had me giving the throttle full power and brought the nose out of it but a wall of water came over the front and soaked my poor wife and the wall of water came thru the boat and over the screen, boy oh boy didnt i get a :wife::wife::1prop::thumbdown::bump0ee: .

has this or something similar happened to any one else ??

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I too have a bowrider.........back in August in Cowan Creek i was heading for bobbin head - it was a lovely sunny day - but cold as.

There was a fair bit of boat trafic that day, my wife and was sitting on the floor up near the bow with our 2 kids jumping all over her....we would have beeen traveling at 8 knots max.

I squared up to a large wake of a crusier that had just past - a rather large vessel indeed, this thing left a wake that you could surf, the we went over the first wave with the bow dipping the 2nd wave came straight over the centre of the bow straight on top of the :wife: and kids - we only took on 20 litres of water and all 20 litres hit the wife smack bang in the face & torso :074: ........she has not been back to the part of the boat since and we try to get out once a week - she was not happy - i could not stop laughing!

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wow aron, i must admit since then the :wife: is not really eager to go up he front either, i wonder if this is a common thing with the bowriders ??? from now on when i go out fishing im putting the cover that covers up the area where the lounge in up the front so that if it happens again it won't be such a big problem,

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