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Land Locked


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This is my first post since finding this site. I live on the northern beaches and have just started fishing. Haven't had much luck till I started reading this forum. Used to use servo bait and all. Went down to coal aand candle yesterday morning early after pumping yabbies at Bayview the night before.I thought I would take the last of the pilchards left in the freezer. Berlied up with chicken pellets and some old tua oil i had saved for the occasion. Sat down for a smoke thinking same ole same ole, little realizing that this was going to be something quite different. I started using the yabbies for a start getting the usual, nothing bigger than the palm of your hand. for some reason I looked at the pilchards and thought, what the heck. From that moment all hell broke loose. First cast out and I was hooked up, and let me tell you that with a light bream rod, I got the fright of my life. This thing was just stripping line off me. I eventually reeled it in and to my surprise it was a snapper, going on for a kilo. Thee best 5 minutes of my fishing career. The next hour was something that old fishermen brag about in the pub for years. I got 3 more from 1/2 to 1 kilo and the biggest got away. I probably would have got it if i wasn't such a noob. Anyway I just had to tell someone about my day. Keep the advice goin' people. Now all i need is advice on how to handle a fishin' widow :wife:

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Good stuff Pete. Good to see another Northern Beaches fisho on here too...and another Pete as well!!

I can now see you are well and truly hooked. Tell your :wife: you can supply fish for the family now

and it will save money on the groceries.

Hope to see more reports from you in the future.



Edited by MallacootaPete
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Guest danielinbyron

mate i've wanted to catch an edible snapper from the land for years ,

all i get is pinkies or barely legals ..

congrats . d..

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