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Botany Bay 14/1/07 Inside And Out


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Hi guys and girls

Domza joined me and my dad for a night fishing session last night in double trouble brown and cream center console.

Arrived at ramp at 6.00 last night to be greeted by a strong SE wind and not one other boat trailer there.

We headed over to mol point to grab some livies stayed there till about 11.00 whilst there we caught about 10 livies, 5 pike between 40-43cm, 2 bream 26 cm each the pike were all taken on metal lures after dark.

At about 11 decided to make the move to the oil wharf but then changed mind and headed over to the captain cook bridge where we would try for some muloway, after sounding around for a little while we found a drop off close to structure and with a fair current running.

Lines in, burlyed up and we were set.

The fishing was quiet for the first hour or 2 dad decided to go down and have a snooze he was out for about two hours, whilst he was asleep me and dom were at the back of the boat fishing and havin a chat and playing bounce on my phone, we started to hook into a few tailor and was having hardly any luck on the cubed pike so dom decided to chuck out a live yakka about 6 inch's long it was in the water for about 10 minutes then BANG the rod buckles over and dom was locked in battle we weren't to sure what we were onto hoping for a jew, several species ran through our minds, shovel nose shark, sting ray bull shark who knows? Once dom had tired it out and got it to the boat we realised it was MASSIVE flathead that measured 87cm and weighed a tad over 4kg's (DOM WILL POST PICKS).

We also dropped a few small jews and had a few runs.

First light saw us catching livebait at mol point again for the trip to the close fad, whilst we were there we saw seajay, mate your boat is a top looking machine and your gear WHOOA.

We headed out to the close fad, rough ride there got there doms second cast in ZZZZZZZZZ smoked by a overly legal king dom managed one other kingy of about 45cm before we decided to call it quits and head in due to the uncomfy conditions.

All in all a top night out weather was nice for us.

cheers james

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thanks again for the trip out james. It was a very good night/day out.

i was stoked after we got the absolute monster on board after it nearly didn't fit on your net. and after some accurate measuring with a tape measure :1prop: it actualy went 89cm.

they were some very uncomfortable sea's outside, but your boat handled it with ease...what ever smoked me was BIG and I really wanted to see if was a king or my FIRST dollie.

should have pics up by wednesday (incl all others from past 2 trips)

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they were some very uncomfortable sea's outside, but your boat handled it with ease...what ever smoked me was BIG and I really wanted to see if was a king or my FIRST dollie.

Mate i reckon it was a big king, if it was a dollie it would have jumped and tried to shake the hook this fish went straight for the fad hard and fast.

Looking for next friday night follow the same plan as we used lastnight and today.

Also saw about 6-8 dolphines as we moved to get a closer look they moved on us and were swimming with in arms reach of the boat and playing around.

I also forgot to mention i lost a lure to a rock fisho at mol point i got tangled with him i let out line for him to untangle i saw him light a lighter he burnt my line and kept my lure.

cheers james

Edited by james1990
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and thats when you start throwing 1lb leads :tease:

sounds like a great night guys


Nah im not that mean mate i ended up turning the spotlight on and faced it at him he did get quiet pissed if you ask me then i kept casting my lure near his line to piss him off, i know that it sounds stupid of me to do it but our crew was having a laugh aswell as the crew next to us watching, i admitt it is stupid of me to do that but we quiet enjoyed ourselves.

cheers james

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here are the pics guys

flattie hit the deck (the KR baitrunner combo is what caught him)


holding the beast (would not let go of my thumbs)


nice botany sunrise


here is my attemp at a picture of the dolphins. Out of 10 pics you can just barely see the fin of one of them.


flattie next to double trouble


me and james holding it


weighing it(abit over 4kg)


flattie in the kill tank(just fit)


measuring it ( 89cm)


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