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Mullet, Flatties & Bream


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Hi guys

Just had two fun days with my brother, fishing Wallis Lake. Yesterday we were in his boat & caught 3 flatties & a leather jacket. The biggest flattie (56cm) had been attacked by something larger & had 2 big gash marks on either side of his back. We also lost a lure each on one of the leases, so we decided to go out again this morning in my kayaks, to both retrieve the lures & get into some 'inside' lease fishing as well!

The mullet were on right from the start. Really good fun on light rod, line & 1000 reel! My mullet float worked a treat. See:


Even after 2 hooks had been ripped off by big fish, the one remaining hook didn't let us down! I ended up with 9 mullet, Cam with 7. We only took one slice of bread each (cut up into tiny squares!) The mullet will be frozen & head back to Sydney on Wed with Cam & his family.

The flatties, bream & leather jacket will be a fish meal tonight! Yum!

The interesting thing about the bream (nice, fat 36cm weighing 1kg) was that I only had to net it! I was paddling to a new spot when I noticed this odd looking fish! It didn't really look like a bream - the eyes were bulging & it seemed the wrong shape. It didn't take off as I approached & only then did I notice that it was attached to the structure by a line & hook! He had taken the hook right down & after busting off the angler, hadn't been able to toss the hook! I reckon he must have been trying to toss it all night! His eyes were so bulged you would have thought he had come up from 100ft, not 5ft! He didn't want to be netted, so it took a few goes to get him in! I was amazed that he was still quite frisky. He will still go down well at the table tonight!

Paddling around in the leases, you see huge fish - especially bream & blackies.

Two of the mullet were beauties! They were 36cm & put up a great fight. Only a few were 'poddies' and we didn't have a handline to put them on! Anyway, we had enough for dinner & a few feeds in Sydney, so we packed up & went home for a very late breakfast!

It was absolutely gorgeous getting up at 6am this morning to go out nice & early & get the top of the tide. The sunrise over Cape Hawke was lovely to see (I don't see it very often .... mind over mattress! Mattress usually wins!)

That is it for now - must get some rest!



Edited by Roberta
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Top feed there Roberta and a great report.

You and your brother look like you had a great day on the lake.

You patented mullet gatherer is sure working overtime.

Keep the reports coming..always a good read.



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Guest IFishSick.

Brilliant work on the mullet, will have to see if I can rig up some of those floats, you may be able to sell the idea to saki for some extra dough

Remember your spare rod next time so you can target a monster flattie with one of those poddies.


Edited by IFishSick.
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Well done, thinking about getting myself a kayak, but im very lazy so mine would have to have an electric motor :074:

BTW thats the ugliest jacket i have ever seen..

did you manage to get your lures back??

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i'm very lazy so mine would have to have an electric motor ..... They do make them with electics - but don't be a wooz!! Great exercise & terrific way to get around the lake! The feed is a bonus. Your bum is virtually at water level, so you are really eyeballing the fish!

BTW thats the ugliest jacket i have ever seen.... yeah - we nearly put it back, but someone said they were really sweet meat! We'll find out tonight!

did you manage to get your lures back?? .....Surely did!!! We had tied Cam's off, so just followed the line to it this morning. Mine had broken off, so had to guess where it was & couldn't find it initially. Later, as the tide turned ( and had already dropped by more than 6") we were able to locate mine (and a few others!) so did well!

That is the other advantage of kayaks - you often find snagged things (like the bream mentioned in the report, still attached to the line!!) and other bits of tackle! One day, I actually found a 'seat' with an insulated zipped section underneath floating in the mangroves. The metal was rusty & the sandwiches had gone off, but the 4 bottles of beer went down very well!!! They were already cold! HA HA



PS Anyone claiming the seat is theirs, just give us a tingle - it will be a bit more difficult to regurgitate the beer!

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