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Flushing The Motor Regarding Water Restrictions?


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Hey guys!

The other day I got told off by a neighbour for flushing my engine! I know there are water restrictions, but what else are you supposed to do?

Are you meant to take it somewhere to flush? You can't flush them at those car wash's can you?

In syndey it's ok, but I think at cetral caost the water restriction level is different!

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In sydney, you are permitted to flush your motor with fresh water. You are also permitted to hose trailer hubs/brakes and hose boat bilges provided you are using a trigger action nozzle.

i would reccommend checking with your local council, they will be able to provide you with some documentation on what are permitted to do.

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Hey guys!

The other day I got told off by a neighbour for flushing my engine! I know there are water restrictions, but what else are you supposed to do?

Are you meant to take it somewhere to flush? You can't flush them at those car wash's can you?

In syndey it's ok, but I think at cetral caost the water restriction level is different!


That why my boat has'nt been out in ages..i can't flush it. Some car washes are now stopping you even washing the boat down let alone flush.

You could use a garbo bin with shower water etc in it...pain in the bum though!



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Hey guys!

The other day I got told off by a neighbour for flushing my engine! I know there are water restrictions, but what else are you supposed to do?

Are you meant to take it somewhere to flush? You can't flush them at those car wash's can you?

In syndey it's ok, but I think at cetral caost the water restriction level is different!

Hey LocoDave,

If your on the (NSW) lower Central coast then you cant flush, level 4 water restrictions :1badmood: I think Swansea and northwards is OK though (different water supply). Im around Woy Woy so I installed 2 small 500L tanks that keep me in just enough water to clean boat and car. You'll probably have to resort to the garbage bin left out in the rain unless you want to install some tanks. :biggrin2:

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I rang the council (Wyong) about this a couple of months ago. They said you can not use the town water supply outside for any reason ... This includes flushing of outboards and washing trailer brakes.... I asked them what happens if my trailer brakes become unsafe and they said "no exceptions"

If you fish at Lake Macquarie they still have taps available at most ramps. We use the one at Nords Wharf. Otherwise I will wash the boat and trailer at Car Lovers and give the outboard a quick flush in the carport when I get home.They wont let you use the tap at the car wash... I know your not supposed to but when you have that much money invested I'm going to flush mine...

I know a quite a few people have installed tanks just for flushing outboards but its just not in my budget at the moment.

There was an article in teh paper a couple of months ago about a guy who got a 25L container and fitted a short length of hose and a hose attachment. He just puts it on the gunwhale of the boat, hooks it up to the motor and lets gravity do the rest.....

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I manage a carwash in my town, a few years back we had severe restrictions and I had boaties asking all the time, how to flush a motor.

Get a watering can and about 2-3 feet of hose and a quick connector to link to your muffs. I used some gaffer tape to tape the hose end in the outlet end of the watering can, put the wash on high pressure rinse and fill watering can to at least half full, connect to your muffs and start motor for flushing. You will need to hold the watering can up so the water feeds down to the muffs. keeping the carwash gun in the can will keep heaps of water in there for your flush.

I made one, it got used heaps of times to flush motors.

However if youve got level 4 restrictions and the local carwash doesnt recycle ALL of their water they may not be working anyway.

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I have a permanent garbage bin inmy carport filled with water which I use over and over again. If anyone says anything you can tell them it is rain water or shower water you collected.


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I have a permanent garbage bin inmy carport filled with water which I use over and over again. If anyone says anything you can tell them it is rain water or shower water you collected.



Taking this one step further is the instalation of water tanks an option at your place & using the water collected off a nearby roof.

Check around , there are heaps of shapes & sizes to choose from

On certain sizes there are rebates back from the goverment


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I know we will be putting in a water tank in the near future, for exactly that - boat,car lawns,gardens, water the road occasionally & water the water police :074:

I still cant believe that a city of Sydney (including costal areas) is running out of water!!!!

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I know we will be putting in a water tank in the near future, for exactly that - boat,car lawns,gardens, water the road occasionally & water the water police :074:

I still cant believe that a city of Sydney (including costal areas) is running out of water!!!!

Mate, It seems to be getting worse everyday. People on the central coast have been buying and installing tanks hand over foot. Its been raining and presumably we are saving Megaliters per day with usage of all this tank water, the council is dropping ground water bores everwhere to supplement the supply, they are raising the prices for water (hopefully for the infrastructure investment) - yet reports are that the dam capacity is still dropping every week ?? Work that out. Soon we reach the 10-12% capacity mark where level 5 restrictions may be introduced. God knows what then.... we start re-using bath water to keep clean :1prop::1prop::1prop:

Might finally have a real excuse to keep smelly.

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