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Jew Fish


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Hey everybody,

Does anyone fish for jewies in middle harbour,around the roseville river,castlecove,seaforth area,dont want

any secret spots,just confirmation that they are there and its worth a shot.Any advice would be much appreciated.

Cheers Adam :thumbup:

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It is definitly worth a shot adam.

I caught my first ever Jew many moons ago from the shore at Roseville. You can throw big plastics around the bridge or soak a livie between the bridge & the pipe. You can get livies off the pontoon. There are some nice corners, dropoffs & holes a little further upstream where we have done well on the Jew on plastics.

The steps at Castle Cove also also produces Jew. You can get livies there on dusk.

Just remeber to fish the bigger tides. Very late at night on the tide changes are usually the best up there.



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Hey Adam.

I've fished Castle Cove quite often and caught bream, pinkies, tailor, flounder, flathead, slimies, rays, port jackson sharks, eels and seen kingies and bonnies taken there but haven't seen any jews. But as Grant says its worth a try in some of the deeper holes and if no jews then there'll definitely be other fish to catch :1fishing1: . Good luck!

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Certainly is jewies in Middle Harbour.

Over the last couple of years from my tinnie we have caught about 5 or 6.

None have been huge but they are there. It should be noted that all of them have been caught in the moring on or around a high tide. Most in deeper holes around Spit and Seaforth. There is a couple of good spots to target them up past the Roseville bridge. You will need to do this at night with livies or fresh slabs. If you have a sounder you'll find the holes. Put in the time and it will pay off one day. The have also been known to take soft plastics during the day.


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  • 1 year later...

Hi Adam,

I am on the hunt for Jewies this season in Roseville. Last March I was fishing with a friend who landed a small Jewie (57CM) from the shore. So they are definately there. We were pretty far upstream (beyond the bridge and a bush walk was required).

We were using very fresh half pilchards caught the Jew just on dusk. We cut his stomach open and found that he had been eating whitebait.

Good luck!


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