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Sunday Harbour Trip - First Fishing Post


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G'day Raiders,

Bit of a late report on Sundays effort in the harbour.

Normally a lb fisho but this weekend I managed to score a seat on a mates boat and we launched from Roseville just after 5:30am. Gee is it always that busy on a Sunday, there was an absolute armada of fishing boats kitted out with an arsenal of fishing weaponry, did the kingies stand any chance ???

Anyhow motored out past the spit and began to troll a couple of Rapala's around North Harbour/Dobroyd Head. After 5 minutes my rod goes off and I'm on to a good bonito if only briefly. Ah damn, you wouldn't believe it - the line tangles with the other lure before we could get it in and fish and I part ways.

Re rig and start trolling again, 5 minutes later my cousin is on. This time no mistakes and he boats a good bonnie. Good start to the day !!!

Decided to head for some kings around the rocky shore near the naval reserve at Chowder Bay as my mate managed to boat 5 and lose another 5 on Thursday. We're met by another 10 or so boats and found a possie near where the action had been a few days earlier. This time around the kingies didn't want to play ball - spent quite a few hours fishing with squid strips and prawns. Alternating between lightly weighted floating baits and baits that we had a metre or so from the bottom with no luck.

My mate decided to try a handline as the bites we're quite timid. Wouldn't you know it, about 10 minutes later the spool takes off and he's on. After yoyo-ing with the fish afew times a final run wraps the line around the anchor rope and he's gone. :1badmood: A good effort to get him close but still no kingy.

Saw about half a dozen kingies boated including a couple from a solo angler in a tinnie using 6lb line and a guy on a kayak who landed a good fish. Was awesome watching the action and well done to both.

Decided to call it a day with only a bream. flatty and flounder to show for our efforts.

Anyhow, even though I didn't get my first king I learnt a bit about kingies and can hopefully score another seat on the boat soon.


mr mojo

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