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Tekota 500 - Anybody Fish With Them?

Rode Cary

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Hi raiders,

I was just fond of a Tekota 500. Am thinking of using it to target some rock species like gropper, salmon etc. Not really intending to spin, just to cast baits (pilchards, crabs) with sinkers. I know level winds are not the perfect choice for spinning off the rocks, just how you guys rate the tekota 500 for the purpose mentionned above? I will be happy if i can cast at least 50 m with it

I am planning to combine it with a 10 ft shimano backbone overhead rod. What you guysd think?

Thanking you in anticipation for your help



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Hi Mate,

i have a tekota 600 and a backbone 10' and i love it, sure they are the easiest things to cast, but with some practice down at your local footy oval you will have no problem casting well over 50m with it, i can punch out a bit over 100m with a 4oz snapper lead and a pendulum cast.

However, i have since purchased a daiwa SL30SHK which is a dedicated overhead casting reel and allows me to cast the same 100m except using half the weight, a 2oz lead. So the right reel will definately make a difference..

Now to answer your question, yes it will take smaller kings, salmon, tailor etc... but groper are a totally different story, requiring SUPER heavy rock tackle, usually cut down 8 wrap glass rods and big alveys with 50-80lb mono.



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hi sammy

thanks for the feedback. so, what do you normally target when fishing with your tekota 500 and shimano backbone? yeah i agree you will need stronger tackle for gropper. I am use to cast with amall round baitcasters pretty well with no bird's nest. do you think i need a bit of practice before trying the tekota? do you use mono or braid in your tek 600 and what line strength? yeah i was thinking of the shl30 daiwa too but am a bit worried about guiding the line with my thumb as i never used a non leverwind before. the last thing i want to worry when fishing is to guide my line on the spool. may be am thinking in the wrong direction!! how's the power with the backbone?



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