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Storm This Arvo


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Hi guys

How did all you guys find this arvos storm(wednesday)

My garage started to flood, my mainhallway flooded, i found 2 leaks in the roof, both from cracked tiles.

I have a few photos i will post up when i upload them

Boat got a wash :1prop:

cheers james

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I have lived at the same place for 20 yrs and never seen a river at the bottom of the street with otto bins flowing past :1yikes:

Cheers Stewy

LOL, I remember a storm in Kalgoorlie once where I noticed something out the corner of my eye from the sofa, got up to see a horse float (Minus horse!) sweep past our driveway on its way to the creek at the end of our street. Man that was one spot of rain!

James, sorry to hear about your flooding mate. Hope the damage is minimal.

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