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Sluggos For Kingies


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Hey Raiders,

Just wondering what colour works best when chasing kingies from the rocks - although I would imagine the same colours work just as well from a boat. Must admit I'm new to SP's but I know they're deadly and wanna give em a go when the fish lose interest in the real bait..



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When the kings are slurping stuff off the surface, it is the lure size not the colour that matters. If you really think about it, when a fish sees a lure on the surface, it is the profile that matters not the colour. COntrasted against the sun, all they see is a black shadow. I have never seen a pink/green/red head/gold baitfish but they hit it anyway!!!

With kingies busting up, it is lure placement that is more important than colour. I find that it is important to get the lure into the boil. Otherwise there is no point.

If you are targetting kings deeper in the water, then how much of the colour is really left? I use a sluggo that is almost black and get kings on that as well as almost any other colour. When jigging in 100+m of water, it is almost pitch black there!!! But they find the jigs...no matter what colour it is.

To sum up, I always try to match the bait profile before selecting the colour. Cheers Kelvin

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Guest Big-Banana

Colours doesn't seem to matter with kings. If they are inthe mood they will hit like a freight train. If they aren't then it is the most frustrating thing on earth. Cheers kelvin

Not using Kings as an example, this is more so a general comment. But IMO colour definitely does matter. I know on our boat its a general rule to use brighter colours on bright days (green, white, pink etc) and on more duller/overcast days (black, purple etc). I definitely think the colour at times is important and can mean the difference between getting a fish or going home empty handed.

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