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Botany Bay 01/04


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Hey Guys,

CFD and i decided to have a gentlemans hours start after i was out at the Swans miserable loss on saturday night...

We dropped the boat in at Oatley Bay at 0700 and motored out at full speed (about 45mph) and nearly removed the motor on a seriously large floating log, fortunatley chris' lightning reflexes saved the day by steering the boat in a fashion more fitting to one of the harbour jet boats... missing the log by about 30cm!!! :mad3:

Anyway, we pressed on into a fairly stiff S/W wind and were presented with a rough, choppy botany bay.... First stop was the hot water outlet, where we burleyed hard and floated peeled prawns and plastics down the windy trail... a tiny flounder went back and two average sized trevally hit the ice before the baby snapper were chopping everything to pieces!... the wind was getting stronger so we made the move to towra for some shelter and a drift for flatties that resulted in zip!

A drop in the wind saw us head to the first runway for a drift, but upon arrival the conditions were like a washing machine, so that plan was aborted and we made way for the drums at 7 knots being roughed up with the stiff wind and sharp chop... we saw some action on one of the drums but the wind was increasing more and downrigging would have been impossible. The next move was to have a look at the southern headland, but that was canned as there was a serious swell pumping through the heads, so back to watts reef for a few drifts for tiny reds, we dropped the pick and burleyed up for all sorts of puffers, box fish and more tiny reds.. That was going nowhere so we tried another drift on towra where i took a 39cm Flattie on a 65mm Squidgy fish in Killer Tomato, but the wind was blowing the wrong way for the drift so we moved elsewhere, we decided to try the sticks off dolls point for zip!

Needing a bathroom stop and some lunch, we raced up stream and had a nice break at Como marina, i highly recomend the cheeseburger and chips if you are ever on the georges river! top stuff!!! we headed up river again to captain cook bridge, burleyed up and used some running ball sinkers with peeled prawns, a few chopper tailor went back and i lost a cracker of a bream that pinged me boatside on 4kg leader... but that happens.... we went back to the ramp at about 5pm where we met another raider, Paul who did pretty well on some flatties in the river...

Tough day on the water with some uncomfortable conditions.... but better than wasting time at home...

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I know how you guys feel. We went out yesterday into Sydney Harbour with little success, lots of snapper (pushing legal limits but no keepers) and a flattie but besides that not too much.

We did see one of the charter guys pull up some nice size kingies and Beach fisho hooked up to a nice kingy but unfortunately it lost him under the boat. We tried hard for a few more hours all over the harbour including middle harbour and it proved quite annoying.

On our way back to Roseville my mate "Beach Fisho" was trolling at 5-6 knots and my other buddy " I'm on" luckily noticed some rope at the very last second which was heading straight into the props directions. This rope did get wrapped around the prop but due to the slow speed I was able to cut the motor and it only went around a few times and we were able to unwind. The rope seemed to be from someones mooring, unfortunately it didn't have the yellow buoy on it and was virutally impossible to see. We couldn't do anything with the rope, had nothing to tie to it so no-one else would get it stuck around their prop. At speed this rope could be very dangerous and cause some serious damage to someone or their boat.

I have called NSW maritime and reported it to them so hopefully something will be done about it.

I'm glad you guys didn't hit the log, could of been very dangerous.



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Guest IFishSick.

Tough luck guys, just one of those days when the good weather isn't there and neither are the fish.

Btw Sammy, tried out the rod on Saturday for two big strikes from frigs but no hook ups :05: but the rod went a beaty and surely will land one tomorrow arvo :thumbup:

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Tough luck guys, just one of those days when the good weather isn't there and neither are the fish.

Btw Sammy, tried out the rod on Saturday for two big strikes from frigs but no hook ups :05: but the rod went a beaty and surely will land one tomorrow arvo :thumbup:

Good stuff mate! Let me know how it goes when you do hook up :tease:

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Bad luck on the fishing front guys, but it always good to be out on the water having fun :thumbup:

We had some fun chasing ski boats and two clowns in hovercrafts that looked like they were having fun...

Did you end up getting out for dollies on thursday Brett?

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We fished the bay as well and it was absolute crap.

We headed out of Cooks River around 5.30 and the slop, swell and wind was terrible.

Went to the Hot Water Outlet to get out of the wind and there were 3 other boats there.

No-one was getting anything (apart from small reddies and bream)

It calmed down after a while and we drifted from South Head across the channel near the marker for zip - couldn't hold bottom.

Tried Towra for zip

Drifted along the beach from the point near the bridge for a few km's for zip.

Tried around the corner from Molls for some live bait, got none and were bitten off (probably a shark)

Over to the drums for heaps more undersized reddies.

Around 1.30 fish were breaking the surface near us.

We threw spinners and poppers at them, but no luck. (small chrome, white, green, pink, and the popper was white & red - all were between 20mm and 50mm in length)

Had baits floating as well, but no takers.

They even came up to the boat they were so close, if they were slower I probably could have netted them.

I think they were slimies. They had a green back and black tail and around 12" long - ideal kingie bait.

We even tried trolling for them with different types of lures.

All we caught was either a shovel nosed shark (rounded nose) with Pt Jackson stripes on it, or it was a sting ray without the stinger.

We tried anchoring and burleying, drifting using bait as well as SP, tried spinning and trolling - very piss poor effort.

The seas are small for the next 3 days and then getting rough for the Easter break. :thumbdown::mad3:



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Maybe the fish were playing an April Fools' Joke on you two. At least you didn't go home fishless - two nice trevs and a good flattie = a nice meal (perhaps as nice as that cheese burger?) Good to hear that your split-second decision paid off, Chris. After rain, the logs come thick and fast but on any old day, it's hard to be preapred for that.


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i went out sat early, trolled round nth head(botany) up to coogee, got one bonnie 48cm on small pink xmas tree(oh yeah broke my new rod in on this one).

wind and swell picked up, very choppy, so back to hot water outlet, nothing. couple of drifts of towra, nothing. went in little bay behind molinex to escare wind, pinkie 20cm, and that was enough!

new rods a wilson live fibre with tourium 20. cant wait to test it out on something powerfull! oh yeah thanks tones!

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You go out for the tough days and if you can manage a smile when you get home, it means you understand the game of fishing. When you go out next time and catch a beautie, its worth absolute gold.

(I understand the game of fishing, but the only gold I see is when the boat breaks down and I pay for it!)

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