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Lure Fishing In Bait Schools


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went out yesterday and bonito were whizzing past just in front of me

devouring small baitfish

threw every type of gulp i had at them with no interest

last night a mate told me i should have used a metal lure

he mentioned sliced ? i think

all chrome and shiny

is this the case for fishing schools of bait

cast a small metal and wind in like crazy ?


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Metals can work well as long as you match the size of the baitfish that are around or you could use soft plastics like zoom tiny flukes(see fishfinder Tony for these) rigged on jigheads or my favorite hidden weight jigheads

A good trick when using the SPs is if you missed the fish zooming through let the sp drop without winding as the fish sometimes come back through deeper to pick up the stunned baitfish dropping to the bottom By doing this you can also catch any bream trevally or even legal reddies which have been picking up the pieces under the feeding surface fish

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small metals are the best !! you can just accept to catch anything on them they are never to small other at times may be to big. i have caught from small snapper to king salmon and any other surface fish you can accept to catch.


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  • 2 months later...

went out yesterday and bonito were whizzing past just in front of me

devouring small baitfish

threw every type of gulp i had at them with no interest

last night a mate told me i should have used a metal lure

he mentioned sliced ? i think

all chrome and shiny

is this the case for fishing schools of bait

cast a small metal and wind in like crazy ?


I find placcies outfish metals 20-1 when it comes to pelagics. I've actually experimented a few times with placcies and metals of the same size and width. Placcies always come out on top.

You want to be looking at something around 3 inches, something that holds a slim profile and a colour that resembles the baitfish that the predators are feeding on.

When it comes to pelagics, i cant go past Zoom Tiny FLukes in ark shiner or baby bass. They are perfect for the job and are affordable. Here is a link of what the damage these lures have done on the pelagic population; http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...=18386&st=0

Where were you fishing?

Enjoy and feel free to ask any questions..


Edited by Luringbream
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hey guys first post here...

i fish central coast a lot and when we are findin the frigates or bonnies are being finicky or feeding on 'eyes' then we will cast jig heads minus plastics...... bullet shaped darter heads are the go....

with a flat stick retrieve the jig heads leave a nice bubble trail and if the finicky fish has a swipe at the tail they eat hook...

i picked this one up off a lbg mate who live baits these king lollies

hope this helps

flatty fanaticcccc :1fishing1:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have found at times that no matter what u throw at feeding schools of

pelagics they will take nothing, at times I have been through every lure in my

tackle box for nill. If they are not eating baitfish, they may be eating

plankton,krill or them little funny looking crab things with a tail on them (cant recall name)


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I have found at times that no matter what u throw at feeding schools of

pelagics they will take nothing, at times I have been through every lure in my

tackle box for nill. If they are not eating baitfish, they may be eating

plankton,krill or them little funny looking crab things with a tail on them (cant recall name)


That was the go for me a couple of years ago. I do a lot of pelagic spinning and i tell ya those 3" stickbaits, be it zoom tiny flukes or berkley bass minnows, have only ever let me down once. I do know exactly what you are talking about, ive experienced it many times but like i said, these stick baits are just something else! Try it, no bigger than 3" and no smaller, chuck him on a 3grm head and your set!


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I rekon you cant beat an unwieghted 3 inch stick bait. Metals work sometimes but alot of the time people hook up on these things by winding like crazy through the school and not actually hooking the fish in the mouth but just "jagging" them on the body somewhere by chance. Ive witnessed some charter boats in Sydney Harbour doing this for there customers- hooking up (jagging) then handing them the rod to fight the fish.

Pretty lame if you ask me :thumbdown:

Edited by Roylo
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