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Beach Fishing - The Entrance Social

Guest rzep

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Well The Entrance Social is almost upon us and what I am after is some info on the gear that will be needed for the beach fish that will take place on the Friday and Saturday nights.

I am a complete novice when it comes to beach fishing and I have absoloutly no gear for it. :wacko:

So what I am after is advice and recomendations for the gear that I will need to purchase for this type of fishing.

I know that there are some beach fishing guru's out there and I am after your advice on what is needed.

I will need to know everything including rod type/length, sinker sizes, hook types, reels, fishing lines and baits etc.

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pvc rod tube is a must

pilles, tailor fillet and squid for bait (jews, salmon, tailor)

gang hooks for pillies, double hook rig for tailor fillet and squid

definitely need a star sinker or your bait will get dragged by the waves and current

Its up to you on the rod/reel combo, but i know the shimano spheros/baitrunner are popular choices down at stanwell beach spooled with braid.

and i agree a headlight is a great idea if your fishing at night, and a portable lantern is also useful.

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Thats why I like the running sinker clips where you get the benifit of a

running sinker with the ability to change sinker types without having

to rerig the leader


How does that work Chris?

Do you have a diagram or something?

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There are a couple of different types but the

principal is the same

line feeds through the middle and there is a clip that

will connect to the eye on a star sinker or use some

line through a ball or bean sinker the clip onto it

this is one type the other is branded ezi rig I think


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I've seen a magnificent guru at work who doesn't miss many fish.....

I used an Alvey 12ft 8kg line. Running heavy ball sinker in between two hooks. Gangs for pillies, and big circle live bait hooks for anything else.

The main thing is, you dont want the bait to stay still. You want it to drift along the gutter so to any fish that is lurking it seems that the bait is naturally flowing in the current, therefore looking to be an easy meal for a predator.

Think like the fishes and you get results,


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I've seen a magnificent guru at work who doesn't miss many fish.....

I used an Alvey 12ft 8kg line. Running heavy ball sinker in between two hooks. Gangs for pillies, and big circle live bait hooks for anything else.

The main thing is, you dont want the bait to stay still. You want it to drift along the gutter so to any fish that is lurking it seems that the bait is naturally flowing in the current, therefore looking to be an easy meal for a predator.

Think like the fishes and you get results,


Hey all

I had the pleasure of staying 2mths a year at Dunleigh Caravan park with my grandparents for over 6 years running. Mind u havent fished the Entrance in over two years.

But in the time I was there, standard gear off the Beach was a 12-16ft rod, with equilavant size reel, sppoled with a MINIMUM of 20LB. This beach is renowned for sharks at night. Hence a mimimum of 20LB. A few ole the old fishos use to wade the channel at the entrance to the lake, floating jew baits out at night on a runout tide. I personally wouldnt recommend doing this due to safety, but I witnessed some thumping 60-80LB jews hauled in off the beach.

Pity possibly the best jew bloke I know up that way is now a animal, etc lover!

Dan (D&G)

Edited by Dan and Greg
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Here are some rigs copied from the Merv Hughes book

"Caught in the Deep" - pretty reasonable read actually

1) non running Jewfish rig for surf

2) running Jewfish rig for surf



Edited by Chris 55
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rzep - what kind of fish will you be targeting? Are you going to be chasing the bread and butter beach fish like whiting, bream, flatties, tailor, or the bigger beach lurkers like jewies and sharks? The gear you need is different for each of the above options, but there are setups that can do both with the only variable being line strength.

You can probably get away with a single rod for most beach fishing, as long as it's as long and relatively sturdy in the base. Any rods built on a 5144 or 6144 blank will serve both light and heavy beach fishing aplications, but once you go above or below that range the rods will only do one. Don't go below 12 ft in length. The longer a beach rod is the better.

As for the reel, well you can go Alvey as a good economic alternative - there are a lot of Alvey fans here. They're sturdy and rarely break, can be dropped in the sand and then washed in the salt water, and they're OK to use. I personally find them cumbersome and prefer to use a big spooled threadline. Any of the 12000 to 14000 sized reels are fine, and the Shimano Baitrunner is a great place to start. Sturdy, waterproof, and a big spool.

Line is the one thing that can't suit both forms of fishing. For your bread & butter fish you don't want to go above 15lb mono, whereas if you're chasing jewies 30lb braid is more suitable. At a pinch you could probably get away with a 30lb braid mainline with an 8lb leader for the smaller fish, and then a 50lb leader for the jews, but two reels (or two spools) would be the preferred option.

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Wise words there Mondo

I think every one is focused on getting a Jew :tease:

I will be bringing my Baitrunner for the Jew attack and

a spare 6000 size that will be set lighter depending on

how the night is working I may change over to accomadate

what is biting at the time

But then again I mighy just be stubborn and persist with

Jew hunting :gun_bandana::fish_h4h: for the night

Have you had any success throwing poppers into the surf

as I was thinking of throwing out some about 10cm size

after the tide changes to see if there's any interest, may

even produce a nice Tailor to live bait :clapping:


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Absolutely Chris - surf poppers can be very effective in certain conditions.

You just need to find 'green' water within casting distance, i.e. deeper water without too much whitewash on the surface. A surf popper worked across these deeper holes and gutters should produce tailor.

As for the jewies - well guys, good luck. Just remember that with 15 jewie lines and baits in the water your chances of hooking up go from slim to 1/15th of slim. There is plenty of really good bream and whiting fishing at night for those whose patience isn't up to the jewie challenge.

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15 Jew lines :tease: more like 50 :074::074: longling for Jews off the beach :1yikes:

Hope some one gets a big oneoff the beach and we can BBQ it for breakfast :biggrin2:

I will be one of many standing there all night waiting for that elusive run.

Cheers Stewy

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i hit the entrance all the time i use a 12ft custom made beach rod with an alvey reel ive got about 700mtrs 9lb line ive never needed anything stronger and ive pulled in some beautys from there i use a 30lb trace with depending on the weather anything from a size 2 to a size 5 ball sinker running i have a 3 hook gang size 4/0 long shank and i use pillies mainly when im using squid or fillets i use a size 6/0 suicide.

maybe you could use a stronger trace

but i like the fight and the rush of pulling in big fish on light lines theres nothing like it

Edited by K1ngf1sher
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rzep - what kind of fish will you be targeting? Are you going to be chasing the bread and butter beach fish like whiting, bream, flatties, tailor, or the bigger beach lurkers like jewies and sharks?

Hey Mondo,

I will be targeting the bread and butter fish as I really couldn't be bothered sitting out there all night waiting for a Jew.

I would like to get some tailor or salmon I think and hopefully a flatty or two. :thumbup:

I have now got a 12 foot beach rod and I am going to match it up with a shimano 6500 bait runner.

I am going to use pilchards as bait on gang hooks.

Hopefully this will get me something.

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I'll be with you there Paul , bringing along Dads old beach rod , know nothing about beach fishing , but hope to pick some tips along the way!!


Ross SHOOTS he SCORES :tease: Reports on the way

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