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Happy Birthday


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To all Raiders have a great day

And on this day

in 1576

St. Vincent de Paul was born

And on this day

in 1942

Barbra Streisand the singer/actress was born

And on this day

in 1982

Kelly Clarkson the singer(winner of idol)was born




Edmund Cartwright was born

he was a inventor which invented the power loom

back in

1990 - STS-31: The Hubble Space Telescope is launched by the Space Shuttle Discovery.

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Happy birthday to Matt_nsw and Crazedfisherdude, welcome to my day :beersmile:

Thank you everyone for the nice wishes.

Don't forget our surprise party on the weekend. :thumbup::074::074::yahoo:

I got some DVD's to help me catch fish. Hmmm do I use them for bait?

Have a good one everyone.

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