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My New Avatar


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Hope this works,my AV is a vessel i used to run when on holidays when i was about 12-15 yrs of age on Lake Eucumbene in the Snowy Mtns NSW. i managed to track her down to a marina in Sydney. She is a a hire vessel now for dinner and night runs and such.. Pm me for details. And no im not affilated with the hire mob. But they were more than happy to send me some pics of the old girl..

oh and if anyone knows of the history of the Snowy ferry which did the same run,i would love to hear from you




Edited by mrs_rzep
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Yeah was my first encounter with a big vessel.

I think from memory she is 51Ft in the old scale. the skips name was Tim, taught us how to use a compass.

And we used to take Tourists from Rainbow Caravan park at Old Adaminaby down to the dam wall(largest earth dam in OZ..lol) On the way we would stop to feed the Emus on various islands.

Me and my mate ended up selling drinks and sandwiches our mums made..lol for the Tourists.

Oh and by the way Eucumbene when full actually hold 9 times the volume of Sydney Harbour...yeah i know you wouldnt think it! but it does.

Cheers Twoducks

Edited by twoducks
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