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Pt Kembla 6/5


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We travelled down to Pt Kembla.

On the way there was an accident that had happened probably 5 - 10 minutes before we got there.

Everyone was out of the car, but the car was in the right hand lane on the curve before the overhead footbridge. It was very dangerous as you could not see it until you were nearly on it.

Launched the boat around 5.30am and caught a few yakkas, a tailor and a trev in the harbour. The bait jig got smashed by something but the hook pulled.

Trolled around the islands for a while for zip.

Put a Lobster pot in near one of the Islands and checked it and moved it a couple of times - got nothing.

Headed out to the wave bouy but the wind and current were too strong to stay near it.

Moved to the southern island near Hill 60 as we heard there were snapper about earlier in the week. Moved around the islands as we were not getting anything decent. We were anchored and burleying.

We got a couple of these, not sure whether they are salt water catfish or strange looking sharks with whiskers. This one was approx 5kg. Tossed them both back.

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The weather got better/smoother and we trolled around for a while. One of the lures got hit, but no takers. We moved up to Wollongong around the Lighthouse and the beaches and drifted. Heaps of bites, but no keepers.

Came in around 3.00pm and headed home.

It was a great day out on the water.

Run out of room on this post.

I will add another photo in the next one.



How is this for a view.

I thought I would share it.




Edited by Thunder
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