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I Don't Like Bream


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Hi All

I thought I might throw my hat in the ring so to speak, my favourite fish to catch and eat is whiting but what seems to happen more often than not is I catch a lot more bream which I don’t really like to eat so here goes with my recipe of changing the taste of bream.

All the bream are filleted and snap frozen, the fillets are in packs of 6 and each fillet is individually wrapped in glad wrap. When I take them out of the freezer and pull each fillet apart I quickly run hot water over the skin which will pull of quite easily I then let them thaw out. While waiting for this to happen I set about the next step which is beating 2 eggs a dash of milk 1 tablespoon of ketjap manis sauce this sauce is like soya, and 2 tablespoons of sesame seed oil then whisk.

I then put about half a cup of wholemeal flour mixed with 2 teaspoons of lemon and pepper spice, salt, cracked pepper and mix well.

I then mix into a large flat dish big enough to dip the fillets into, get another dish/tray and put 3 to 4 cups of whole meal bread crumbs or crushed

up corn flakes till they look like bread crumbs you can add a sprinkle more of lemon and pepper spice at this stage but if it is your first time using this product I would suggest you try it first in case you do not like it.

By this time the bream fillets may have thawed out and you can proceed with the next step.

Set up in front of you the three dishes 1st the flour dish, then the egg dish, and then the bread crumbs, have a large flat plate to put the prepared fillets onto.

Now in this order dip fillets in flour 1st then egg 2nd and then bread crumbs 3rd place fillets on plate so they do not touch each other. Place fillets back in fridge for about an hour or so by doing this it seems to cement the coating of bread crumbs to the fillet and when they are cooked you get a perfect coating a bit like birds eye fish fingers.

I find when I cook the fish in oil if I use vegetable oil I can get it a lot hotter and can cook the fillets very quickly about 30 to 40 sec on each side you can add a little sesame oil to cooking oil when it gets hot if you put it in before the other oil gets hot you seem not to get the taste of it. If you like bream you may not want to try this recipe but you can apply it to any fish with the exception of Werra and Carp ?

Regards Colbra

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