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Dpi Fisheries Newsletter

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This may be old news to some of you, but there is a two monthly publication from DPI Fisheries called Newstream. It has been going for about a year. I have only seen the latest and it seems to give emails of people within DPI to whom we can ask questions of specific projects. We need to take every opportunity to get involved. I know I will.

Mods, if this newsletter is not common knowledge please put somewhere suitable for people to read.



Below is a direct cut & paste from the newsletter:

Subscribe to Newstreams

Newstreams is a free newsletter available to anyone interested in fish habitat. To subscribe to Newstreams, email the editor, Rebecca Lines-Kelly, at rebecca.lines-kelly@dpi.nsw.gov.au. If you no longer wish to receive Newstreams, email the editor with ‘Unsubscribe Newstreams’ in the subject line.

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Thanks for posting this useful piece of info, Neil.

Can only concur with your sentiments, all rec licence holders owe it to themselves to be aware of Fisheries'



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