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Hi everyone... I'm a new member..Its very nice to see lots of articles and replies updated everyday.

I usually go to Whale beach(ovens) or Avoca beach, spinning 50g metal lure(Halco) from the rock.

I went to Avoca beach last monday, but came home empty hand.. :1badmood: Very disappointed as I used to catch at least one salmon every time I went fishing.

I want to ask the raiders couple of questions as I am a beginner fisho.

1. Is spinning a metal lure not suitable at this season from the rock? I target kings all the time although I usaully end up with salmons.

2. What kind of line shoud I use? (lbs? mono or braid?) I heard Berkely Fireline is good.

3. Any better method to fish at this season? I want to target some other species if I know how.

Hope I can get some useful info from here...

Help me plz~Raiders!

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