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What's Better Vhf Or 27mhz


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First post on this site, but thought I could make a contribution having recently sat for and obtained my Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (MROCP) following purchase of a new Quintrex 590 Freedom Cruiser which came fitted with a VHF marine radio.

I did the course through my local Volunteer Costal Patrol and found it interesting and worthwhile. The course is written and the associated test marked by the Australian Maritime College. Course material is available on the Internet and those interested might wish to check out the following URL: http://www.amcom.amc.edu.au/handbook/mrohb.2007.v3.pdf

The reference in this post to a requirement for a 27MHz licence when operating more than 2nm offshore is not, in my opinion, correct. However, NSW Maritime regulations list a requirement for a marine radio to be carried as part of a vessel's safety equipment when operating 2nm or more off the coast. The type of radio to be carried is not however specified.

In the MROCP course, we learned that 27MHz and VHF marine radios are covered by a class licence, but operators of marine radios other than 27 MHz must also obtain a certificate of proficiency before operating their equipment -- hence my need to obtain the MROCP.

So, in summary, from my recent studies, all 27MHz and VHF radios are covered by a class licence. No other licence is required to operate a 27MHz radio, however, you will need at least a MROCP to operate a VHF marine radio.

Hope this helps......


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First post on this site, but thought I could make a contribution having recently sat for and obtained my Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (MROCP) following purchase of a new Quintrex 590 Freedom Cruiser which came fitted with a VHF marine radio.

I did the course through my local Volunteer Costal Patrol and found it interesting and worthwhile. The course is written and the associated test marked by the Australian Maritime College. Course material is available on the Internet and those interested might wish to check out the following URL: http://www.amcom.amc.edu.au/handbook/mrohb.2007.v3.pdf

The reference in this post to a requirement for a 27MHz licence when operating more than 2nm offshore is not, in my opinion, correct. However, NSW Maritime regulations list a requirement for a marine radio to be carried as part of a vessel's safety equipment when operating 2nm or more off the coast. The type of radio to be carried is not however specified.

In the MROCP course, we learned that 27MHz and VHF marine radios are covered by a class licence, but operators of marine radios other than 27 MHz must also obtain a certificate of proficiency before operating their equipment -- hence my need to obtain the MROCP.

So, in summary, from my recent studies, all 27MHz and VHF radios are covered by a class licence. No other licence is required to operate a 27MHz radio, however, you will need at least a MROCP to operate a VHF marine radio.

Hope this helps......


Hi Enardy Thanks for that. I've got a few questions I can't find answers for.

Do you know

What the penalty is ? Possession / using

How much?

Who is authorised to enforce it? Federal law? Is it legislated?

Who has the right to ask for Lic?

Does it have to be displayed or carried by operator?

Did you get a copy of class lic with course?

Is lic valid forever?

Thanks to ayone who knows the answers


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When i rang the coast guard last year to ask him about licences for a vhf he said that you didnt need a licence if its in a recreation boat.

Hi mate,

Page 2 section 1.2 of the above link says you must.

Sorry I don't have time tonight to convert the PDF to get the text. :)



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-----I could make a contribution having recently sat for and obtained my Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (MROCP) following purchase of a new Quintrex 590 Freedom Cruiser which came fitted with a VHF marine radio.

The course is written and the associated test marked by the Australian Maritime College. Course material is available on the Internet and those interested might wish to check out the following URL: http://www.amcom.amc.edu.au/handbook/mrohb.2007.v3.pdf

However, NSW Maritime regulations list a requirement for a marine radio to be carried as part of a vessel's safety equipment when operating 2nm or more off the coast. The type of radio to be carried is not however specified (EMPHASIS ADDED)

------ In the MROCP course, we learned that 27MHz and VHF marine radios are covered by a class licence, but operators of marine radios other than 27 MHz must also obtain a certificate of proficiency before operating their equipment -- hence my need to obtain the MROCP (EMPHASIS ADDED)

So, in summary, from my recent studies, all 27MHz and VHF radios are covered by a class licence. No other licence is required to operate a 27MHz radio, however, you will need at least a MROCP to operate a VHF marine radio.

Hope this helps......


Thanks Enardy, :1welcomeani: to you and thank you for your first post on Fishraider.

Your post is very informative and thanks for all your assistance.

I appreciate getting assistance and valuable information from someone who has attended a course, became proficient in the subjects and met the requirements to have the relevant licences issued. I am sure other members will appreciate your kind assistance as well.

I regard having a marine radio just as important as remembering to put the plugs in the boat and making sure there is a floatation device for my myself, my family and my children, and my friends and their families and their children.

EDIT: We should all make sure that others on board know the basics of operating a marine radio, in case of an emergency.

Lack of knowlege on how to use a marine radio may lead to loss of life, and the fact that other operators may not know marine radio regulations, proper proceedures and etiquette, could endanger their own lives and the lives of others as well.

There is no way I will have a marine radio in my boat without having the relevant licences to operate a marine radio.

And being unaware of regulations and the need of licences does not absolve anyone from insurance liability either.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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I can't answer your questions in relation to the policiing of the licence except to say that, I expect it would be reasonable to have to produce it for the state maritime agency or the police. I can't imagine them being particularly interested in the class licence for the radio, but they might take an interest in whether or not the individual is correctly licenced if there was any suspicion of inappprorpiate use of the radio.

The class licence is meant to come "in the box" with the VHF radio. However, a check today of the documents I received with my new boat did not reveal a class licence. The radio owner's manual did make reference to the requirement for the operator to be licenced as I have previously indicated.

The licence I received from the Australian Maritime College is a plastic photoID style licence with no expiry date which I will now carry with me in my wallet.

What is quite interesting from this post is the lack of firm knowledge displayed by some of the authrorities that have been consulted by forum members in their quest for the correct information....


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Thanks Enardy

Even the documents are not clear to me and use too much jargon. I am just wondering if the NSW State Govt has done some form of legislation which has made this all so unclear?

My enquiry to people who should know said there was no need for a reco to have any Lic. Jeeze I'm tempted to get it in writing now

Thanks again


Edited by pelican
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