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Only Snappa


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Headed out of the seaway this morning with my dad and a few of his mates around 4 am straight into a 15Knots of north easter.. thought crikeys :( both the sea way and Point danger showed 5 knot westerlies when we left home at 3:15 am oh well give the new Edencraft a work out anyway. Went North East to the 36s had a couple of drifts over some good ground for no result so we anchored on a patch and soon enough we were into them. Later we found they were full of our burly. A couple of good fish were lost to the bottoml, the fish were keen on the pillies with a few bigger ones falling to butterflied yakkas . The fish slowed around 8:30 with the wind dropping somewhat as well. We toyed around till 9:30 when we pointed the big edencraft for home and opened her up, hitting 35 knots at times.... only got wet twice :) .



Here is Dad and the rest of the creww with a few more



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