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Sydney Harbour 02/09


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It was a great father's day for me.

I got to sleep in a little, then had the kids jumping on me, then some brekkie and off to Luna Park.

Spent most of the morning there and saw what a beautiful state the harbour was in and thought .... why didn't I bring a rod ... then it dawned on me, I did!

Got a call from a mate who said they were heading down to Lillyfield so we met them there. Flicked a couple of SP's around for nothing but it was good just to get out.

Got home around 4pm and had a bite to eat. Around 5, I get a call from the same mate: "what are you doing tonight?" he says to which I replied "well since you're calling me ... I guess I'm going fishing huh?"

Packed the car, kissed the Mrs and kids knowing that it was father's day and I could basically do whatever I wanted!

Got down to Spot @#%$^%##%$%&$% (it's a nice change from calling it Spot X!) for some bait. We thought catch a couple of livies then throw out for jews.

Tossed out for about half and hour for nothing .... my mate says "they're not here"

So I got my secret burley happening and it was as if I'd rung the dinner bell; THERE WE LITTERALLY THOUSANDS OF THEM IN THE WATER WITHIN 10 SECONDS!

Yakka everywhere!

Fished for a good 3 hours and we were having so much fun we thought bugger the jewies, lets just stock up on bait!

We then got the squid jigs out as another bloke at the spot had brought a nice calamari up.

My mate sends his out as I was rigging and all I hear is drag!

He brings up this nice specimen that went 33cms to the mantle! A gorgeous colour and healthy as! There's 2 jew baits in his head alone!

All in all a great night with some nice bait for next time. :thumbup:

Sorry about the picture quality, taken with the mobile phone at 11pm!


my mate wears a size 11 shoe by the way!


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Hey Martin,

Mate i am back from 7 days skiing.

Had a great time and a couple of excellent hang overs.

Good to see ya out there having a fish.

Are we still doing the social?

I have some salted slimey slabs waiting for the day.

Cheers Mate and that is one mother of a squid.

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