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Mick and Paddy were standing on the top of a cliff. Mick has two budgies in each hand and Paddy a parrot and a 45. pistol.

Mick says "Right, my go first!!"

He jumps off the cliff and starts flappin his arms away with the budgies in each hand like he's trying to fly. Smashes into the ocean below, he drags himself swimmin around the headland onto a beach, gaspin and chokin near to bein drown.

Paddy goes "I'm up!!".

He jumps off the cliff and on the way down starts shootin the parrot in the head with the 45.

BANG! BANG! BANG!..................................... SPLASSSHH!

He to drags himself swimmin around the headland onto a beach, gaspin and chokin near to bein drown.

Mick looks at Paddy and says "I don't think much of budgiejumpin".

Paddy looks at Mick and says "And I don't think much of parrotchuting as well"

(best told after a few :beersmile: with a crap Irish accent, apologies to any Irish, but it's a good craik)

Edited by Evil
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That is one of the worst jokes I have ever heard. Trust me I know some bad ones.


It's one of the worst you've read.

Put the ham acting suit on have a go and you'll find people in stitches. (comes with a moneyback, any questions, NO guarantee)

Edited by Evil
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