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Crookhaven Heads


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First fishing report - and somewhat boring (sorry-but that's life)


After like the last million fishing trips were canceled due to weather or timetable clashes - I was desperate - and I mean desperate.

The opportunity presented itself this Thursday to head down to the Crookhaven and pursue some fishing. The Banks? Penguin head? The Muds? Shoalhaven SLSC? Elsewhere? The possibilities were limitless. As the day approached - the long range weather report was all over the place (seabreeze). Checking it multiple times a day, a southerly change of up to 40k was due - but at what time? According to the weather predictions - it could me 1am, 7am, or even 2pm.

Wednesday AM put the change coming early, but BOM was saying morning winds of 20-30k - before the change!

I called my mate, we said "stuff it - let's do it" - and I hoped on a train. Wed night the wind blew hard - but in AM it was quiet. BOM said "don't bother" - but what the hey - we were desperate to wet a line.

We dropped the boat in at Crookhaven ramp, and ducked out to try for some livies round the corner (as advised by you guys a couple of weeks ago!). I was too chicken to try in 5m depth - ended up burleying up and using a live bait jig in about 8m - success. Caught 2 livies (my first ever!), and dropped them in the bucket.

As the sun rose, the only question we had was - where to go? With a 10-15k NW wind, and a 40k change coming, we knew we couldn't go far. The swell was about 1.5m, with a 1m sea, so it was a tad sloppy. So we headed to Penguin Head to try a spot I've had success with there.

After several hours of burley at anchor - nothing (ok - a sweep and something else - but nothing to speak of).

At this point - I started feeling a tad sea sick - didn't take the tablet in the morning cause I wasn't expecting to be out long enough to need it - and the tablet makes me feel seedy for about 12 hours. After adding to the burley trail - my limit was reached.

So we headed back towards the entrence. Then as we headed, the wind swung around to the west, and the swell dropped to 1m, and the sea disappeared - it was beautiful. If not for the change due - we may have headed for the banks. So we gave just outside the heads a go for another hour. Once again - nothing. As we felt the wind swing south, and felt like throwing up again - well - we decided safety was the better option (though turns out the actual change didn't come till much later - and even VMR gave us some stick for that!)

So we went back into the river. We hadn't really prepared for river fishing - so we dropped a lure in and trolled a bit (feeling seedy and lazy - thought why not). Nothing. Anchored up just inside the entrence - nothing.

But it was beautiful. The river was quiet, no one was about, and as the rain came - it was just special.

So we threw in the towel at about 10am, and headed home. Not the best fish, but it was just sooooo goood to get out and wet a line.

Till next time (Labour Day Weekend)!


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Thats just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes isnt it!!!!!!

What tablets are you taking???? I often use tablets as i dont have the best stomach in the world.....no im not talking about the shape of it although thatts not the best either!!!!!

I use travel calm as kwels make you drowzy but the travel calm has a small hit of caffene in it wich counteracts the sleepiness..... Maybe give a different type a go!!!!!

Better luck next time!

Edited by fishlexic
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Thats just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes isnt it!!!!!!

yep - but any day out fishing is better then a day in the office! I was happy just to be out :1prop:

What tablets are you taking???? I often use tablets as i dont have the best stomach in the world.....no im not talking about the shape of it although thatts not the best either!!!!!

You know - I use to never get sick at all. I could be out in the worst swell, all day, and nothing. But several years ago I started getting it bad - and each year I get sicker and sicker :wacko:

I've tried heaps of stuff - including prescription (Helps that Mum is a GP - who also gets sick).

Kwell's actually makes me feel sick - dehydrated, and seedy. Some stuff Mum gave me also makes me feel sicker (can't remember names).

Natural stuff doesn't work.

I've found travelcalm (original) works quite well - but just knocks me out for the day. So when I have it, I also have RedBull or Coke for the extra caffiene to keep me awake - and when I get home I'm useless and just crash (not so good when I've promised the wife to spend the arvo/evening with her!).


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