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Port Hacking


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Fished some nipper flats on friday arvo for a couple of hours trying to get bream and whiting on poppers. Tide was a little to high for the spot i fished but i gave it a go anyway. Managed to land 1 decent bream about 35cm (released) before the sun disappeared and it got to cold standing in waste deep water, was fairly happy for my first attempt with little poppers. Any one who's keen to try this out don't be fooled as to which poppers to use, i bought a couple of rebels and river to sea at about $15 each and also some surcatch poppers which were $11.95 for 3 and came with a nice little plastic storage box, i tried all of these lures and ended up getting the bream on the cheap surcatch ones which i think had the best action of the lot.

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Hundgie, sounds like a fun day out but cold in that water!!

I do a fair bit of flats wading in the same general area for whiting/bream/flatties but have never had any luck on the whiting with soft plastics (no probs with live nippers or worms). I've given the storm soft plastic nippers a flogging looking for a whiting and come up with nothing before in the past but possibly poppers might be worth a go.

Question - Are you casting blind or spotting the whiting first?

Have thought it might be good to try throwing some flies at them.... Especially if I find out the poppers are working...

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Gday Iceman, dont think i'll bother with anything other than surcatch for a while, have been trying to get one of those clear bodied rebels but had no luck, was thinking that the surcatch poppers are deffinately made of plastic and if that plastic was clear before they were painted i might be able to rub some of the paint off with a scoura or something similar to acheive the clear affect i'm after.

Jimmy C, friday was my first attempt at whiting on a popper, as i said the water was a little deep so i was just casting to the edge of some weed patches, i also have caught plenty of whiting ,bream, on nippers and worms in the same spot and heaps of flathead on softies further out towards the main channel, so you know the fish are there. Might be worth a try for the whiting further up the river where the flats have more mud mixed in with the sand making the whiting stand out less compared to the really clean sand and water closer to the mouth of the river.

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Went down to Maianbar today for a casting session :1prop:

1 1/2 hrs either side of low tide and cast the chanel behind

Deeban Spit then out into the main chanel

Well I must say that the Hacking is a thriving whiting nursery

with so many from 5 cm up to about 15cm

It was so fun watching them follow the lures

Small R2S poppers got interest but that's all folks :074:

Nice day out


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On the APEC long weekend my cousin and I charted a gun south coast soft plastics charter dude (in Tuross) who told me that he's right into poppers also, but they don't start getting smashed really until Nov / Dec when the waters really start to warm up....something about whiting, bream and flathead are a little slow due to water temps etc.

The guy seemed to know what he was talking about, he put us on about 20 flathead in 2.5 hours most between 40 to 50 cm's, one went 60 and another 71 all on plastics (let the big kids go and took only a couple for the table)....oh yeah and a bream that went 38cm....he must have had about $3-4,000 worth of hardbodies and poppers but as above says he doesn't normally pull them out until later in the year.

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We thought it would still be a bit cool but hey it was a nice day

to practice technique :biggrinthumb: with :ninja: stealth

Seeing that as Hacking is fairly shallow and it was the out

there could have been Flatty around the edges so we tried SP

after seeing the Whiting population was still on the small size

and guessed they may attract something larger .......... not :(

Still all good as I have the week off and will be trying something

else as the week goes on :biggrin2: hmmm let's see Thursday

Browns looks good I'll be in for some trapbait Tones :biggrin2:


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