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Long Weekend Black Head Mission


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Hey guys,

Just spent the long weekend down at gerroa in the cyclonic winds!!!! Was nice weather if you could keep your feet on the ground!!!! Fortunately out of blackhead reserve you can fish the northern side and it was quite pleasent!!! Well as some of you might have read my inquisitive posts i was on a mission to give balloning ago from the rocks..... And give it a go i did..... i just diddnt get any Kings! I managed to get myself some damn big cephlapods off the rocks which were sent out for about a total of 6ish hours over the course of the weekend but all to no avail with not a single turn of a reel.... So one of the big squid turned into salt and pepper squid for lunch on sunday and was quite nice!

I left the slimies and yakkas alone this time but next time ill definately give them a bash. If i did get a hook up i probably would have been spooled anyway as my tld went back to shimano to be fixed before the long weekend and i didnt want to take out a tyrnos and scratch it up so i was only fishing a bodgy old jhx(i think thats the letters anyway) 6000 shimano.

The rest of the time was spent throwing all maner of soft plastics and metal lures around although i was limited by the wind as for which would be useable... I managed one sambo of about 3 kilos which politely spat the hooks half way up onto the rock ledge saving me the trouble!

All in all alot of time spent for bugger all return except for the dolphins whales etc. I did see one very large school of tuna that must have been in the 15kilo plus range smashing into some bait on sunday but to far from the rocks, and strangley none of the boats that i could see turned and headed towards the jumping fish and the 3ish football size flock of birds..... they must have been onto a pretty hot bite!!!!!

I got a photo of one of the big cephs on my phone but its a fair hastle getting it off my phone and onto the computer so just use some imagination or insert your own big squid here!!!!!

Hope everyone else had a little more luck over the weekend and got back safe from their travels!!!!



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Hi Craig,

Sorry to hear not much action.

Keep some of those squid in ya freezer for MH.

Waiting for car to be fixed and fishfinder to be installed.

Gonna put in a hummingbird 717.

Soon to get serious about the kingies.


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Hi Craig,

Sorry to hear not much action.

Keep some of those squid in ya freezer for MH.

Waiting for car to be fixed and fishfinder to be installed.

Gonna put in a hummingbird 717.

Soon to get serious about the kingies.


Hey mate unfortunetly the squid are gone!!!! one went for human consumption on sunday which was delicious and the other one was just looking at me with those big squiddy green eyes so i let him go back to make more squidies for next time!!!! well that and i didnt want to stink the car out on the way home!!!!! Im hanging for the season to start properly!!!!!

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