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Southside Friday Fishing.


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went for a run out of botany yesterday around first light hoping for a few kingies with all the baitfish around. got a few yakkas in close and headed out to the peak. put a livey down deep and slow trolled him around while looking for any telltale signs on the sounder to have a jig at. had a few chances, but no cigar. finally got a hit on the live one and up comes one of the ever present jackets, he probably decided the hook looked good after picking apart my restrained yakka. he was a good size, so into the esky. came in close to find a big school of tailor on the surface around maroubra, they were breaking up at times and going deep but kept appearing in the same place. was difficult to hook up, they seemed harrassed by something bigger below, not really feeding, just running out of the way. i managed four on differing metal slugs and zeroes on plastics and a popper. on my biggest metal i hooked something solid with a good fight ending in a last ditch straight down run and freedom for whatever it was. good fun, as it was for one other fella who was fly fishing. he looked to be hooking up better and was having some great fights on lighter gear. moved on to malabar for the after tide run and boated three kingies on slow trolled squid around the headlands. two just undersize and one came home at the new legal 65cm. good fun day all round and have one each of three different tasting species to feed the family.

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