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Shark Sighting While Surfing

Brad Duffell

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G'day all,

Im up the coast at the moment staying on bribie island and my mate abd i decided to go for a surf. All was goin well until i looked out to sea to find a wave worth catching when i saw this big grey shape in the water bout 20-30 m away then a fin popped out of the water and i shat it. Never moved so fast in my life, as we were a distance into the water. We got bach onto the beach with hearts racing only to find my mate say "christ its only a dolphin". We had a laugh after thet but i tell you what when i was in the water i crapped it hard man i thought no bloddy way :wacko: . Also went fishing out of caloundra and saw a couple of whales swimming by, the biggest of which did a brilliant jumping show not 30m from the boat :1yikes: it was great. Anyway just some highlights of the trip, cheers,


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hi brad, i have a aunt that lives on bribie and the times i have been there

we have spotted many big sharks and dolphins so it could have been either,

anyway they don't like the taste of surfies. :074::074::074:

take care anyway brad and remember don't panic

as they will pick up on that.(just paddle like f###.)

cheers marty. :beersmile:

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