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Myola "jervis Bay"


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Gday Raidersers.

Just got back from our family holiday down at Myola, such a nice place bay on one side, the river on the other, and the chance to kick back sink a few coldies and just chill out with the kids and misses for a few days, and then theres the fishing.

After spending the first day setting up the tent or three, had to help with my brother inlaws tent and then his mate both came down from Sydney. I launched the boat at Calala Bay ramp and headed out with the hope of crossing over to Longnose Point for a chance at some reds, but that idea was soon put to bed when the wind blew up from the north west which made it very choppy across the other side of the bay where Longnose Point is. So we stayed in close around Calala Bay and picked up a couple of flatties along the beach, but had to work very hard for what we got.

After watching the footy grand final on Sunday night we got up late Monday and put the boat in at the Myola ramp on the Currumbine river and set out chasing some flatties in the river.

Tuesday saw us get up early and hit the water at 5.00am to head out on the bay via the river as it is a shorter trip to longnose from the river than it is from Calala Bay ramp. The conditions were near perfect light 2knt winds and dead flat water saw us head across the bay at 28knts with a full tank and three on board we were there in short time.

We motored over near the point and found and marked a very nice drop off from 30' to 80' with fish on the sounder we anchored up and sent out some burley and in short time the first red hit the boat 36cm not huge but a good start, we landed another 4 reds to 42cm before they went off the bite and a school of cowan young moved in with a few pike mixed in so I threw a live pike out on my 15kg gear in the hope of JB king but it was not to be.

After approx 3 hours the last hour with no more bites we headed over to middle ground to see if there was anything there, I set the pike back but as it had expiered I butterflied it and sent it back out. We picked up some smallish banded cod and some red rock cod but none with any real size, we picked a couple of under sized reds all the while the pike was just hanging around in the lite current with not mush happening, when the ratchet on the tyrnos slowly came to life. A few clicks hear a few click there, then off she goes zzzzzzzzzz I mtion to pick up the rod when it stops, the line is just twitching in the water. Now Ive got the tyrnos loaded with 40lb braid with a 2mtr 150lb jinkai leader, off she goes again zzzzzzzz I set the hook and its off again zzzzzzzz not to much drag around 8 to 10 kg then approximately 40 to 50 seconds later nothing, I bring the line in only to find almost all of my leader in tact only a little shorter, but my 8/o main hook and the 6/o stinger are gone and not a burr on the end of the 150lb jinkai cut through as clean as a whistle, I was a little peved at first but it was still a buzz while it lasted, not sure what it may hve been, possible a shark but it pulled real hard what ever it was. we stayed there for another hour with no more results then headed off for a troll around Bowen Island and across to Point Perpendicular for another hour or so for no results before calling it a day, a good day when you have fresh snapper for tea, beautifull!!!!!!!!

Our next outing was on Thursday when the wind had dropped to reasonable strength, we headed back out to longnose Point in the hope of finding some more reds, we only managed one to 40cm off the bottom, I put the 15kg gear back out ogain had two runs but no hook ups on whole pillies. On the way back in we were entertained by some of the local whales which was awesome in itself, and then tried one of the locals spots about a third of vthe way back across the bay in around 90' af water where we picked up some nice flatties to 45 to 50cm.

Friday we were off the water again as the wind was up again and we spent some qlty time with the kids.

Saturday I had earlier teed up to meet Ian Phillips a member of another site not to be named, down at St Georges Basin in which I will leave that post for Ian, but will state that Ian is a great bloke with a wealth of information on the Basin and is only to prepared to share this local knowledge with his fellow fishos, thanks for a great day again Ian. CHEERS !!!!!

BTW, we got over 20 flatties from 45cm the biggest was Ians monster at 91cm 5.6kg

Sunday we headed up the Currumbine River to chase some river flatties again, but again we found them hard to come by in any size, but we did find a school of Trevalley that were keen to play, so we boated 10 trevs to 20cm and two Salmon to 22cm which we took home and fillited them for the smoker, and boy did they come up a treat, I was very suprised at the taste of the Salmon as I have had Salmon before but was less than impressed with the flavour but I will eat smoked Salmon again no problems.

Thus leaves us with Monday the 8th second last day and my son Mitchell has been up all night coughing like a dog barking, my wife being a nurse has a look at his throat, it's red raw and the little bugger is in all sorts of pain, so we decide to pack up early and get him off to the doctors for some antibiotics to help with his sore throat before it gets too bad.

Not to bother we had a tremendous time away, great company, great holiday park, pleasent wether and some very decent fishing thrown in, what more can I ask for.

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Nice work there and great report. We went down for the long weekend down Callala Beach and the wind for terrible.

Not much fishing happened. Saturday we took Dads boat out only to find the steering not working :mad3::mad3: . Quick dash to Nowra to get it fixed. Sunday morning looked to be a great day but only got 2 hours fishing. :mad3::mad3:

Thats Jervis Bay for you

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