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Hawkesbury Tips?

Guest Claxton

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Guest Claxton

Gday Fishos,

Its my first post so bear with me! i am off with the mrs to cottage point on saturday, meant to be getting some credits but of course am going to make it more of a fishing trip. I am going to hire a tinny for a few hours and wondered if any of you proper fishraiders have any tips on where to go, baits, tactics etc. i've been fishing for years but spend more time feeding them than catching them. Any advice would be great .



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Gday Fishos,

Its my first post so bear with me! i am off with the mrs to cottage point on saturday, meant to be getting some credits but of course am going to make it more of a fishing trip. I am going to hire a tinny for a few hours and wondered if any of you proper fishraiders have any tips on where to go, baits, tactics etc. i've been fishing for years but spend more time feeding them than catching them. Any advice would be great .



Gidday Mate,

I would try flicking some soft plastics around the drop offs for Flatties. Go up to Yoemans Bay (not for from Cottage Point - next tributary up from the Akuna turnoff). There are also good whiting up there but you will need blood worms or live yabbies.

The tide is rising early on Saturday so you should do OK.

My recommendation for the plastic - Squidgie Fish #4 in the Black and Gold on a 9 gram head.

Good luck!! Make sure you post your results.

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Guest Claxton

thanks heaps for the tips Ceph, have seen loads of your posts. how good is this site!!!?? I'll give it a go. the little lady is in tow so will only probably be getting up there around lunch. is it worth using the same methods at that time? have you heard any reports of any kingie/tailor action going on? will do my best to get the shots on too.

Gidday Mate,

I would try flicking some soft plastics around the drop offs for Flatties. Go up to Yoemans Bay (not for from Cottage Point - next tributary up from the Akuna turnoff). There are also good whiting up there but you will need blood worms or live yabbies.

The tide is rising early on Saturday so you should do OK.

My recommendation for the plastic - Squidgie Fish #4 in the Black and Gold on a 9 gram head.

Good luck!! Make sure you post your results.

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thanks heaps for the tips Ceph, have seen loads of your posts. how good is this site!!!?? I'll give it a go. the little lady is in tow so will only probably be getting up there around lunch. is it worth using the same methods at that time? have you heard any reports of any kingie/tailor action going on? will do my best to get the shots on too.

I have heard that some guys are catching Tailor and Salmon around Lion Island (bit dodgy in a little hire boat). I don't really target those species so I am no expert. Kingy-wise, it is still prety early but you may be lucky around the Pittwater moorings with live squid. :biggrin2:

The tips I gave you will still work on the runout. :thumbup:

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Guest Claxton

I have heard that some guys are catching Tailor and Salmon around Lion Island (bit dodgy in a little hire boat). I don't really target those species so I am no expert. Kingy-wise, it is still prety early but you may be lucky around the Pittwater moorings with live squid. :biggrin2:

The tips I gave you will still work on the runout. :thumbup:

Cheers Fella will let you know I go. Good luck if youre getting out on the water on the weekend ! :biggrinthumb:

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Hi Claxton :1welcomeani:

For a trip like that in a little hire boat, it would be great fun for everyone if you just let the boat drift around and do it's own thing, anywhere where the water is shallow and not chrystal clear and preferably the murkier it is, at this particular time, the better. It's no good where you can see the bottom. Make sure you stay out of deep water, channels and fast currents.

No need to target anything. Just let the boat slowly drift around in little bays and backwaters with a bit of nice scenery, with lines out the back. If the wind blows up find shelter around little corners with the wind coming towards you at the closest shore and drift no anchor out at all on the day. Use the boats bucket fill it up with water and rope it into the water. It will find its own direction and slow your drift down instead of anchoring.

I would use pilchard tails whitebait or any other fish bait strips.

If I was kidnapped, hijacked away from the deepwater areas and bound, blindfolded and gagged to fish just drifting, I reckon I would get fabulous fishing results as I wouldn't be able to have any say in looking for monsters in the bigger waters in the time frame you have to fish.

As to tactics believe me, in this situation the less hi tech tactics you have the better.

Hope to see a top fishing report and don't forget your camera as there will be a lot of smiling faces and more than likely some very nice fish in your keeper and enough good flathead to feed everyone for a week :thumbup: .


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Guest Claxton

Hi jewgaffer thanks for the tips! Had a look at some of your pics, awesome. If I catch anything that beats the tiny snapper I usually catch from the harbour it will be great. Will take baits and SP's and see what happens. Might finally have some dinner to take home ! thanks again.

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Na.. they have scent in them. I have never used the scent before and don't seem to have a problem.

I don't really know of it works. It is hard to prove.

Feel free to scent though.. I guess it wouldn't hurt. I am too bloody lazy to go out and get a bottle!! :thumbup:

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Guest Claxton

:1welcomeani: to :1fishing1: Raider Claxton

cheers robert :1fishing1::thumbup::thumbup:

Cheers Robert, cant wait to get out on the water tomorrow. have you any tips on fishing the hawkesbury?

Claxton :1fishing1:

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Guest Claxton

G'day Claxton

If you want to know about the Hawkesbury click on "Articles" and there you will find a series of articles written by Ken Alexander about the Hawkesbury. If you follow his advice you will catch and learn heaps.



Thanks heaps Inhlanzi :icon_peace:

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