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Lake Illawarra, Gee Its Looking Good!


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G,day raiders.

I was indulging in a little trailer maintainace today Thursday 11/08/07,

and had to put the boat in the water to refasten the nylon skids that had come loose on the trailer.

I put the boat in at Berkeley at around 9.00am and while trying to concentrate on the job at hand I continually found myself looking out across the lake to see if there was any action. after a few minor problems with the rivot gun I finally managed to finish the job at around 10.30am at which time the wind had just about dropped right off and the sun was beating down you know the type of day you wish you were on the water flicking a few SPs around trying to rustle up a few duskies.

Well as it was I had another important appointment with the misses back at home at midday "and no it was not the type of appointment you blokes might be thinking of, you know I am a married man of some 16 years now, 2 kids both born in August my birthday falls in November, wife does'nt want any more kids, you do the math, so that thought was out of the question" and I neglected to put at least one rod in the boat,,,,, buuutt you know how it is once you've got the boat on the water it's a shame to waste an opportunity to at least have look.

So I jumped in the boat, kicked her over and off across the lake I head, first around Gooseburry Island, then Hooka Island then straight over to Windang to check out the channel. As I approach the entrance to the channel I notice that the drop off is very visible and that it has changed quite a bit since I last fished it. It used to run south, southwest out to Mount Warrigal but I now notice that the tidal flow has carved out a nice deep gutter that runs south, southeast of the portside channel marker, and that I'm sitting in a boat with no fishing gear on the last hour of a run in tide, there are poddies every where, the birds are haveing a field day and theres me with a lolly bag with no lollies in it and no money to buy more. :1prop::1prop:

So I move into the channel to try and ease the pain a little, but its not working the water in the channel is perfect, I could be anywhere on the north coast, crystal clear water you know that really nice aqua blue that you see on the post cards. Well I'm not on the north coast I'm at Windang on Lake Illawarra, had to slap myself. I moved further imto the channel down near the bowling club wall and there is this elderly chap in a row boat pulling in a near midday bream, so I sit and watch for a while "you know I'm in to self torture" just to see if it was'nt a fluke, well it was'nt no sooner had he put a new bait out and he's onto another. Enough of this I said, so I went east of the bridge to see where the deep water was to get over to the southern side of the road bridge and have a look at the gutters and there are some goodens there, and they were there just waiting for some one to throw a squidgie into see if there was anyone wanting to play, alas it's now 11.30am and I have 30 minutes to get the boat washed down motor rinsed out and get home before the Minister for Finance and War :wife: sends out the mercenaries to bring me in.

All I can say is that the lake sure is starting to look good again, and if we can get rid of the last of the Pros that still fish it, it will once again become the pride of the south coast. :thumbup:


Edited by Lewis
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Nice read and very helpful information about Lake Illawarra being in good condition with all the right signs for some fast action down there for a change.

Little Jewgaffer came running into tell me all about it when he read your post. The last time we went down there, the weather had a short break from the the south to north west, but as much as we tried we had to settle for a few bream just legal to take home. Now there is a change to the gutters and some new ones, and with plenty of baitfish around your post is terrific news. :yahoo:

Awesome report thanks Lewis :thumbup:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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G,day Jewgaffer.

I will have to take the camera out with me and take a few piccies and post them for you all that live out of the area, just to show you before making plans to come down, just how good that it is starting to look. :1fishing1:

And I know that the Government has just labled it as te dirties swimming area in the state, but I do believe that those test must have been carried out before the lake was re-opened. :(:(:05:

Time to retest me thinks. :1welcomeani:

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G,day raiders.

I dont think that there would be any prawns this year or for a few years to come.If there are any they would probably be few and far between, and as it has already been stated, the powers that be left it alittle too long to save what was left of the lakes prawn population. As the prawns couldnt get out to spawn, and that locals like myself included, and tha few pro prawners continued to harvest the few prawns that were trapped in the lake they did unfortunately perrish in what was almost a stagnant lake.

I do believe that if the current tidal flow continues and the powers that be strive to keep the water way open, and we as locals help in any way possible nurture it back to some state of good health, then yes I do beleive that the Lake can return to its former glory. The quality of some of the fish that have been cought lately and the few different species being caught that have not been taken in the lake for some years does suggest that it can bounce back.

Fingers crossed. :1fishing1::1welcomeani::biggrin2::biggrin2:


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yeah thats a real shame in regards to the prawns,

ive been a few times over the years and did rather well but must say its just a top night and loads of fun,

to hear they are no longer is a real shame

fingers crossed that one day they may return


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When it rains cats and dogs for a time our lake systems benefit greatly.The BIG DRY is doing a lot of damage.Human activity ,pollution etc can be seen in our systems. Good rains have helped the system at The Entrance on the Central Coast. However walking around the lake up there you can see the muck and ooze going into the lake on a daily basis. Human activity. NOT GOOD.

Cheers BART :1fishing1:

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its a shame to here about the prawns.big steve if you are keen to go for a prawning session mate give me a pm.a few of my mates are also keen.i know what every one is saying that there are no prawns but im going to give it a go in the next few weeks.mainly for bait.

over the last 2 years i have been down to windang for a prawning session and although very slow still manage enough prawns to do me and friends for a couple of fishing outings.

its all in fun.and a awsome time catching the little critters :1fishing1:

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new moon last weekend, would have been great. i was going to go down but i forgot all about it!

i cant see it being the end of things as i went down last year and there were a few about not many though but im sure in time they will kick again!

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G,day Raiders.

On the subject of prawns in Lake Illawarra, I guess I have to eat my words. I have'nt been down myself yet, but I am hearing a lot of very good reports that the prawns are back, reports of 1 to 3kg and then yesterday I heard abloke at Deans at Windang sprooking about getting 15kg in the we hours of last Monday night.


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Well, I'm thinking about riding down for a little fish sat & sun very early.

If anyone has a couple of poddie mullets they would like to share, well, I'm sure a beer or two can be arranged. :beersmile:

If anyone wants to fish with me, feel free to give me a shout, happy to meet other FR's. :biggrin2: especially if they like Kawasaki motorcycles :1prop:

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