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Midweek Fishing - Wed 10th October


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With the luxury of a week off, headed out on Wednesday off Broken Bay and what a great day it was...

Started at 8:30 (late I know but it is holiday time and the fishing season isn't in its peak yet so starting at 5am or earlier just wasn't attractive)

First catch of the day was a well inflated basket ball - yes that's right a basket ball about 2k's out from Lion Island (a Wilson and in good condition), then it's Leather Jackets by the bucket full in about 35m of water straight out from Broken Bay, one jacket was followed up by a nice 6 foot'ish Mako shark, hung around the back of the boat for about a minute or 2 but wouldn't take the Jacket that I left in the water to entice it - can't blame it really. We tried some multiple pillies and other stuff in an attempt to secure the Mako but no success - was an amazing sight as it just circled around the leathery, sometimes taking a hit at it but never actually biting it so it was still a keeper after being put up for sacrifice. Meanwhile in putting one of the Leather Jackets into the keeper net I got a nice nip (attack I called it!) from one of the jackets - they've got nice razor sharp teeth that slice up human skin quite well, a bit pirana (there's a H in that word somewhere) like and my crew reckon it was the smell of human blood that brought the Mako on...

After bagging too many Leatheries and seeing a nice small whale breaching and spouting about 100m from the boat, we headed to Terrigal Wide in search of some elusive Kingies or something more substantial than Leatheries.. one other boat out there and nothing at all for anyone. Drifted off Terrigal Wide for a few nice 40cm to 50cm Flathead. Headed south to Broken Bay wide for not much there either then the wonderful 15-20knot NE kicked in so it was back to the 35m deep grounds for more leatheries and lots of cleaning.

All up an awesome day with near perfect weather, some amazing sights and some interesting catches. Leatheries and Flathead were excellent filleted and boned and tasted fantastic that night slightly floured and pan fried (just for something different)

Thanks to Rob and the Viking for an awesome day out.

A day on blue water is always better than a day in the office


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