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First Post-georges

Guest esky6

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Hi raiders. After discovering and scanning this site for 6 weeks it was time to join. With such a wealth of information from fellow members it may hopefully make me a better fisho.

I mainly fish the Georges as it is easily accessed via the M5 from my home at Narellan Vale. The Georges may not be everybodies cup of tea but I love it for the sport.

Anyway headed to river for a session with a couple of mates :1fishing1: . After a couple of small bream, Bang! off goes the bream combo. This thing was hugging the bottom like a dead weight with some headshakes between then the 6lb mono gives up (maybe an eel?). Next cast decided to bait up with mullet fillet. 5 mins later in comes a baby jew 8 inches or so. Poor bugger don't think he survived as he floated away with the current :thumbdown: . On the turn rods start to buckle with a couple of bream landed 32 & 36cm respectively :biggrin2: . Another keeper was lost 5m from the bank with my mates tangled and the fish swimming on the surface and not being able to be landed without snapping the lines :05: .

Had a lot of fun but would have liked to know what bit me off earlier on.

Used layer pellets for burley. Does anybody use it dry or moisten it 1st?

I'll post pics when I can work it out.

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With those head shakes it may have been a little Jew although, they usually go for a spin around the bay before settling in deep and head shaking. :biggrin2:

CFD is on the money with the Flattie call. Was your line frayed at the end?? :mad3:

Welcome to the site. :1welcomeani: You should post your fishing reports in the "Fishing Reports" section as this receives most of the attention and your report will be read by more Raiders. :thumbup:

Edited by Ceph
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:1welcomeani: to the site esky6. Look forward to reading your posts in future - all part of the sharing information that makes this site the best. Look forward to the pics - you'll need to resize them before you can post them though

By the way - were you boat or land based and which part of the Georges were you fishing?

Also, dead weight + head shakes = flattie I reckon.

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Hi raiders. After discovering and scanning this site for 6 weeks it was time to join. With such a wealth of information from fellow members it may hopefully make me a better fisho.

I mainly fish the Georges as it is easily accessed via the M5 from my home at Narellan Vale. The Georges may not be everybodies cup of tea but I love it for the sport.

Anyway headed to river for a session with a couple of mates :1fishing1: . After a couple of small bream, Bang! off goes the bream combo. This thing was hugging the bottom like a dead weight with some headshakes between then the 6lb mono gives up (maybe an eel?). Next cast decided to bait up with mullet fillet. 5 mins later in comes a baby jew 8 inches or so. Poor bugger don't think he survived as he floated away with the current :thumbdown: . On the turn rods start to buckle with a couple of bream landed 32 & 36cm respectively :biggrin2: . Another keeper was lost 5m from the bank with my mates tangled and the fish swimming on the surface and not being able to be landed without snapping the lines :05: .

Had a lot of fun but would have liked to know what bit me off earlier on.

Used layer pellets for burley. Does anybody use it dry or moisten it 1st?

I'll post pics when I can work it out.

I pour tuna oil over my chook pellets overnight and throw them in like that (use a tin to avoid tuna hands).. As I have often caught trevally and reds with a gutful of pellets they do work.


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Thanks guys for the welcome,

I fish anywhere from near Flower Power to Shipwrights Pt. Mainly landbased but occasionally go out with the oldboy in his tinnie. Of late have been sticking to upstream with some nice bream to be had. Hopefully :ranting2: my pics turn out in my other post.

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mate there seems to be alot of resident bream in the uppr reaches of the georges... i seem to catch good size bream all the time around east hills... though lately when i have been going for the keepers closer to the bay its been a huge struggle... has anyone been catching bream between the bridges or at towra point??? Recently i have been getting a few hits but its still not like fishing in the river during the summer!!! going ot have to wait for the schools of bream a little while longer...

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