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Yarra Bay + Maroubra 14/10


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alright, first up make a BIG APOLOGY to


- Novicefisherman

- gness

sorry guys i said i would give you a buzz when i go fishing next but it was an impromptu styles, so sorry about that next time definitely give you guys a buzz ya

so, first up went to see big boss tony, and got some gear off him as well as some live beach worms...

first stop, yarra bay... started from the beach first at about 5 oclock which was well before high tide, but then again we planned to fish till late... chucked in with some live beach worms on both big and small rods, just to keep all the basis covered... small rod hooks got bitten off but didnt even feel the bite... those friggin mahi mahi...

so then we moved onto the jetty, i first tossed in a float, got nothing, switched to a sinker, still got nothing... another fisho was there, and between the 3 of us there were 5 rods in the water in all directions, and between us we were using worms, gulp, pilchards, and chicken... not even a single bite... i remember being told if in doubt, move... so thats what we did.. off to maroubra

cast into the surf, and............. WHAM, a moth flew into my face.... nothing was happenign with the rod though... after a little while, the lack of anything-ness was getting to us... so to quell our boredom, we decided to sing... thats right, in the middle of maroubra beach, we starting belting out tunes at the top of our lungs while our rods didnt catch fish... told you we were going mental

Check it out, here are the lyrics we made up in our bout of mentalness... the song is louis armstrong's what a wonderful world!!

I'm going to Seafood World - Dani!o

I see MAHI MAHI of green, RED MORWONG too

I shouldnt assume, that i can catch them too

And I think to myself, all i want is a jewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

I see GROPER of blue and MULLOWAY of white

No fish in the day, even less at night

And I think to myself why dont the fish just bloody biiiiiiiiiiite

The colors of the fish fillets, so pretty when they're fried

Are also on the faces of fishos trolling by

I see fishos shaking hands saying did ya catch one kingie or two?

I'm thinking :mad3: damn you!

I hear myself cry, and so does my bro

Theres more to catching fish, than we'll never know

And I think to myself, I'm going to Seafood Worrrrrrrrrrrrrld

Yes I think to myself, I must go to Seafood Worrrrrrrrrrrrrld.

haha alright guys so thats it, im not going to be fishing for quite a while now, have too many exams etc coming up and also obviously need to check myself into mental asylum... I think my next report will be about mid november... so until then, take care all


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nice lyrics u came up with there.

we went to botany bay tongiht for a quick session, about an hour or so, got absolutely nothing either.

managed to get a bucket full of red rock crabs tho.

may spare out some time this week to fight with the big blue groper aye?

anyways, take care and good luck with the exams

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nice lyrics u came up with there.

we went to botany bay tongiht for a quick session, about an hour or so, got absolutely nothing either.

managed to get a bucket full of red rock crabs tho.

may spare out some time this week to fight with the big blue groper aye?

anyways, take care and good luck with the exams

haha vinnocent

only you reply me at this hour eh??? man im heading to bed soon have IP tomorrow so stupid what you doing man??? migration law kicked ass today eh

where abouts you guys go in botany bay??

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Danilo I like you perssistance and the song maybe a bit of boat fishing might change your luck let me know when you have some time and we can arrange a trip around the Botany Bay area can’t give you any guarantees ,but who knows there might be a song in it

P/S week days no prob


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Bad luck buddy! I was down Yarra and Bare Island way on the weekend but it was just too windy so didn't even bother unpacking the gear from the car. I was talking to some of the blokes at Bare Island and they hadn't turned a reel all day. Hopefully it picks up again soon and we'll go for a local sesh!

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Danilo I like you perssistance and the song maybe a bit of boat fishing might change your luck let me know when you have some time and we can arrange a trip around the Botany Bay area can’t give you any guarantees ,but who knows there might be a song in it

P/S week days no prob


Hey mate thank you so very much!!! I'll definitely take you up on the offer soon, but at the moment im heading head first into exams so itll be a while before i hit the water again... I'll be all done by mid to late november, so if you dont mind ill give you a buzz then... again thanks so much!

Mate, I'm sick of your fishless sessions, so much so that when you can spare some time I will take you fishing down at foreshore , (near yarra) and I will garantee you a feed of fish or I will stand naked in pitt street. You won't need any bait, I will supply the plastics. Things will start to look up in the bay very soon, you may even get a couple on poppers. I'm a little busy work wise for the next week or so but if your interested let me know. I know the place like the back of my hand, only live a minutes stroll to yarra but I will take you somewhere better where you should be able to sight cast some fish as well. At the very least you will gain some valuable info that will make things a whole lot easier for you when summer really gets into gear. Drop me a PM with your contact details. Might be landbased or boat.

hey mate thank you very very much, I would certainly like to finaly start catching some fish!!! I'll be dying with exams and assignments etc until about mid to late november, so if you dont mind mate I will catch you sometime around then if youre still free... sight casting sounds good!!

quite a few fishos have told me yarra bay is one of the best... one dude even caugth a 27kg jew off the beach, near the rocks on the other side near the docks... so yeah, i would certainly like a cut of the action!!!

I've PM'd you, but i apologise for the delay its my last semester at uni and i have to pass in order to gain fishing full time privilege!! thanks again mate, ill catch you in about a month or so ya, please take care

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The embarrassing thing is that I was just singing that to myself out loud... :1prop:

Nice words mate!! :thumbup: You should record it!

haha ill audition for australian idol with that song eh, and when you guys hear it you will know thats definitely me!!!

"I dont know much, but i know how to catch a port jackson, and that may beeeeee, all i need to know"

haha thanks mate, take care and catch more fish!

Bad luck buddy! I was down Yarra and Bare Island way on the weekend but it was just too windy so didn't even bother unpacking the gear from the car. I was talking to some of the blokes at Bare Island and they hadn't turned a reel all day. Hopefully it picks up again soon and we'll go for a local sesh!

really?? mate im a big advocate of the 'im here anyway, why not try my luck' approach... you never know!!! but ya, im guessing you dont live far otherwise you definitely would have put something in!! when i went i met a fisho who came all the way from liverpool i was like errrr... had 3 rods in the water he did!! haha and even though we werent getting much, we could all see the hope in each others eyes!!

ya bro, cant wait to have a get together local fish bash!!

Another cracking hillarious report danilo even if you didnt get any mahi this time :074:

ive heard some strange stories about foreshore that would send me away from going LB down there fin :tease:

woooo what strange stories???? can you tell me one??? are they strange as in like ppl have caught big fish there?? or are they strange as in during the night, you see strange green lights in the distant hills, and you can faintly hear the wailing of mermaids admist a slight smell of something burning drifting through the air??

after all, near yarra bay is the mental asylum (where i live, come visit me please!!) and the crematorium... so yeah....

I know now why you don't catch fish Danilo,

You're a Musician, not a fisherman!!!

Very Entertaining,

your reports get better as your catch get worst.

Power to you....... and......... your Bro.

Catch Ya


haha hey dude!!! sorry didnt call you mate wanted to... what happened was after me and my brother got up we went to the fish markets to eat something, and we went to all the fish shops and had a look at all the fish on sale and we thought 'yeah.... we suck eh....' and in a desperate attempt to regain our honor, we hastily rushed to the water... then the above happened...

ya thanks dude, and last but not least, dont you mean.............

YAKKA Power to you....... and......... your Bro.

Mate from what I understand the Mahi Mahi come into Botany Bay about that time. You may be in luck. :074:


hey dude!!

haha, everyones been telling me mahi mahi dont come into botany bay, and ya, i agree, sorta... but you know what?? MAHI MAHI COME TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, especially when i do my special mahi mahi call... what is it you ask??


Sing it with me!!!!!!!!!!! the mahi mahi will swarm in!!!

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You and your brother are mental Danilo. Mental in the best way possible.

No worries about the non-invite - I've been out of town for the last week fishing the top end (report coming on the weekend), plus it sounds like you didn't have any luck again so I didn't miss out on anything!

Send me a PM when you're through the exam period and we can catch up for another fish. As long as you're willing to move out of your comfort zone, i.e. fish during the daytime, I'm reasonably confident we can get stuck into a few.

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You and your brother are mental Danilo. Mental in the best way possible.

No worries about the non-invite - I've been out of town for the last week fishing the top end (report coming on the weekend), plus it sounds like you didn't have any luck again so I didn't miss out on anything!

Send me a PM when you're through the exam period and we can catch up for another fish. As long as you're willing to move out of your comfort zone, i.e. fish during the daytime, I'm reasonably confident we can get stuck into a few.

hey dude!!!!

good to see you back was wondering where you were!! but, how come you replied at 10am??? arent you at work??? CGT? FBT? GST? haha kidding kidding

ya mate i remembered you saying you were heading up north for some good times will see your report soon eh!!

man next time next time... after exams ill definitely go in the day im going to quit work soon too... i think i will really go all out, fish 36 hours so i can get 2 days and 1 night and 6 tide changes... will definitely get something!!

will buzz you then!!

Edited by dani!o
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