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Botany On Sunday


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headed out about 6 to botany bay. just after cooks bridge encounted schooling and birds diving. lots of boat around there fishing, two were spining. flicked my soft plastic jerk shad and picked up some taylor in the 40cm mark. threw few more times and came back with tale less plastics. so decieded to keep heading to my bream spot. over there used bait and picked up a few small breams, just undersize so threw back for us to catch when it grows.

at about 12 decieded to go to the marker poles near captain cook. threw in some baits and waited. noticed so small bait splashing around me so i decieded to throw a sp to see whats chasing them. spined using 3inch white and grey minnow. third cast on. it came to surface and it was a big pike around 40cm. as i was bringing in i thought it may have been a small taylor. i threw it back in thinking it wasn't good eating and basically a dirty fish.... but later to my discovery heard that its great bait. oh well! :05:

next cast after throwing the pike back im on again but to a slightly larger fish. caught a flathead for the first time on sp. decent size at 45cm. so happy catching a flatty for the first time on a sp. after few more flick caught another small pike.

it was interesting to see that not much was happening with bait i threw in and had more success with the sp's. starting to really love them!!

also question on the sp's they are selling called "SOFTIES" are they really more durable than the gulp range???

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