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Novel Fishing Method Finds Rare Fish


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Novel fishing method finds rare fish

A novel way of catching fish - stunning them with an electric current - has helped Northern Territory researchers rediscover a rare species.

The Lorentz's Grunter (Pingalla lorentzi) was found again during a study into northern Australian freshwater fish in the Finnis River near Batchelor.

It had not been seen in the region for 14 years.

"The rediscovery of this particular fish is significant," Primary Industry and Fisheries Minister Chris Natt said.

"It helps to build an accurate picture of our ecosystems and assists in making science-based management decisions for our waterways."

The Grunter was also found by the researchers at another site on the Finnis River, more than 40km from the original site near Batchelor.

"It appears that this Grunter is more widespread than we initially thought," Mr Natt said.

The research is part of a three year analysis of the freshwater fish fauna of northern Australia.

Mr Natt said much of the success of the study was related to the NT government's $25,000 electrofisher, which works by supplying an electrical current to the water.

It temporarily stuns the fish, allowing researchers to capture and identify them unharmed.

"The project aims to look at freshwater fish in northern Australia and how we should manage our rivers and streams to maintain healthy fish populations," Mr Natt said.

"Fisheries researchers are also hoping to find new freshwater fish that we find to also expand our knowledge of what fish we have in the NT."

The project is coordinated by James Cook University and funded through the Natural Heritage Trust for $161,500.

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